All China Wholesale Buyers Get VIP Treatment With's Free Return Policy is helping buyers overcome qualms and gain experience in buying and reselling China wholesale products, with a newly extended Free Return policy applicable to all buyers.

Beijing, China - is well-known as one of the most innovative China wholesale trading platforms online. The company recently helped cement that reputation, with a newly extended Free Return policy that allows buyers to receive a full refund if goods do not match their expectations.

Previously, Free Returns were available only to VIP buyers, and the Return had to be initiated within 7 days of the receipt of goods.

The Free Return policy has now been extended:
• All buyers can now access the Free Returns service, not only VIP members
• The time limit has been extended from 7 days to 30 days

The Free Return service is available for any transaction that does not meet a buyer's expectations. If the description on the website is materially different to the products received, the cost of shipping them back will also be covered by

"The extension of the Free Return policy is part of our overall efforts towards increasing China wholesale buyer and seller protection. Other major initiatives include the introduction of the escrow service, the new on-site recordable chat feature, 7-day per week customer service availability and the new PayPal Order Protection Fund," said James He of

"We are constantly looking to improve transaction satisfaction on our China wholesale trading platform, and the extension of the Free Returns service is the latest addition to the collection of initiatives," Mr. He continued.

Some minimal restrictions apply to the updated Free Return policy on, including a 'Fair Use' clause, the exclusion of customs duties from the refund price and the omission of cosmetics and non-physical products from the policy.

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Iris Yee