Alix Mizen's New Book 'The Universe Inside Her: A Series of Poems and Letters' is an Original and Sentimental Poetry Collection That Will Surely Seep Into One's Soul

Fulton Books author Alix Mizen, an innately born poet, has completed her most recent book "The Universe Inside Her: A Series of Poems and Letters": a luminous compilation of well-versed poems that explore the wilderness of one's emotions. Every poem in this collection came straight from the author's real journey. Here, she hopes to provide solace to those who are dealing with uncertainties and difficulties in their lives; a sympathetic book written to accompany the lost and the lonely.

"In this diary of real emotions, the writer shares her own journey through various situations she's faced in life, in the hopes of offering you a listening ear, encouragement, and empathy. Each line of prose is a seat for you to take next to the author in finding the soul-sympathy you seek. Whether it is undying love, unrequited love, heartbreak, regret, or brokenness that you face, The Universe Inside Her is there listening to the cries of your own heart and providing description for those emotions which words couldn't be found for. 'The signature of your heart connecting with mine will be the stamps of tears on these pages.' -A.M.

"You are enough, you are valuable, you are lovable, you are not alone."

Published by Fulton Books, Alix Mizen's book is an appealing literary work that contains a rich, honest, and tender voice of the author. Her way of words will make the readers feel seen, heard, and understood. She instantly connects with the readers and that makes her an effective poet.

This collection aids to those unspeakable emotions, a book that has no pretensions, rather, a book that is created from the heart.

Readers who wish to experience this emotionally gripping work can purchase "The Universe Inside Her: A Series of Poems and Letters" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books