Alex Jeffreys Million Dollar Blueprint - Claim Your Golden Ticket To A Must See Presentation

Secure your 'one of a kind' Coaching by Alex Jeffreys to gain exclusive first insight into what could be one of the most financially rewarding seminar held in Las Vegas recently. Find out more about Alex Jeffreys Coaching and Review

What is Million Dollar Blueprint?

Million Dollar Blueprint is a set of 9 exclusive videos filmed at an Alex Jeffreys seminar held in Las Vegas in 2010. This seminar was specially for Alex's coaching students and cost upwards of $1,297 per ticket. The videos show each of the main sessions held at the seminar and show you how to set up a million dollar business. Lots of different topics are covered including list building, blog monetization, product creation, membership sites, product launches and a really interesting brainstorming session where he helps individual students to improve their business.

How Much is It?

The product is currently selling for just $19.95 - this gets you a login to the members area and full access to the 9 videos. As the tickets to his seminar originally cost from $1297, this is a good bargain.

Who is this Suitable For?

The product is suitable for both complete newbies and more experienced marketers. I've been marketing online now for almost 7 years and I learned a few things from these videos and have some strategies to try out over the next few weeks. The content is useful for both affiliate marketers and product owners.
What Topics are Covered in the Videos?
I've watched all the videos and here is a summary of what is covered:

Product Launch Profits (63 min 36) - in this video Alex goes into all the details of what you need to do to start a successful business online. As the title suggests the focus of this session is on launching a product.

Anatomy of a Monetized Blog (69 min 43) - This video is presented by Stephanie Mulac who works from "home" while travelling around the USA in a motor home! Stephanie devised a plan to allow her husband to quit his job within 6 months. She did this using monetized blogging and explains exactly how she did this in the video.

How I quickly Build a List (63 min 26) - In this video Jit Uppal one of Alex's students explains how he build a list of over 32,500 subscribers using techniques such as"ad swaps" and "power ad swaps".

Brainstorming Q&A Session (39 min 28) - In this session different members from the audience explain their online business or problems that they have and get advice from Alex, Jit and Stephanie. People get advice on growing their list, building their business and

Care and Feeding of your Opt in List (74 min 40) - This session is also presented my Stephanie and focuses on how to build the relationship with people on your list and keep them happy.

Affiliate Launch Formula (61 min 11) - This session is with Alex and covers This session is with Alex and covers email marketing, relationship marketing and affiliate marketing. Building a list has already been covered so this video concentrates on monetizing a list.

Membership Site Profits (44 min 30) - This session is presented by Dean Holland and Adam Spiel and the focus is on making money with a membership site. They talk about their own membership site, how they started it, how they drive traffic to it and more.

Million Dollar Blueprint (69 min 44) - In this final video Alex walks you through a "Million Dollar Blueprint" using a white board and talking about a product that he plans to release after the seminar. He shows you exactly how he pre launches and launches a product.

About Alex Jeffreys Million Dollar Blueprint Review

Alex Jeffreys Million Dollar Blueprint Review

428 Whippendell Road,
WD18 7BX
