Albert Betts' New Book 'Ice Girl' is a Thrilling Story on the On-Going Battle Between Good and Evil

Fulton Books author Albert Betts, a promising writer, has completed his most recent book "Ice Girl": a page-turning tale about the journey of Ice Girl as she saves humanity from total chaos. Armored by her strong resolve and little powers, can she ever win against her mother? Can she successfully protect mankind including her father? Or will darkness defeat light this time around?

Betts shares, "Evil and good, the battle has continued since the Ice Age 2.4 million years ago. Trust was broken, causing rage and destruction on earth between mother and daughter. Saving humanity from evil, Ice Girl sprang into action with little power and fear to help save Malcolm's secret power before Zia's return. With time nearing, will the good prevail, or will evil linger in the depths of the hemisphere?"

Published by Fulton Books, Albert Betts' book is an engrossing piece where humanity's future is placed in the hands of an Ice Girl.

It's an entertaining read filled with dramatic elements and action-packed scenes.

Readers who wish to experience this interesting work can purchase "Ice Girl" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books