Alan Arora: Celebrity Chefs Provide Travel Tips, Best Food Options on the Road

New suggestions from celebrity chefs shed light on how tourists can optimize their dining experience while they travel abroad. As a travel expert, Alan Arora endorses these recommendations and adds his own tips.

For many tourists, planning travel follows a typical pattern: they find out how they want to get to their destination, where they want to stay and what they want to do. While each region in the world offers its own unique take on cuisine, tourists often realize that achieving a pleasurable dining experience during vacation can be difficult. Noted traveler, Alan Arora explains that these predicaments are even more common among those who are frequent travelers-such as those who jet-set for business purposes.

A recent article from The Huffington Post helps tackle the problem of finding great places to eat and receiving a delicious meal by seeking tips from some of the most notable celebrity chefs. Although these professionals specialize in cooking, the article reveals that these chefs are often eager to try out a locality's cuisine throughout their travels. Alan Arora adds that while a destination's food can make it memorable, it can also put a negative interpretation on the travel experience as well. For this reason, Alan Arora notes that these chef's tips are worth considering.

One of the best ways to seek out information is through the Internet, according to Rick Moonen, chef/owner of rm seafood in Las Vegas. However, instead of searching local review sites, Moonen suggests referring to social media. He states, "I'll Tweet something like, 'Help me out here! I'm going to Seattle. Where do I eat?' And I'll get 50 suggestions. Usually 20 of them overlap and those are the ones you put at the top of the list." While some chefs opt to bring their own spices or spirits to improve any food they receive, others, like Top Chef Masters' host Curtis Stone, prefer to ask the locals where to eat. Stone notes that he often seeks out advice from a local taxi driver on where the best places to eat are.

Throughout his own travels, Alan Arora has found that eating alone-common among the business traveler-can enhance one's dining experience. Alan Arora suggests, "I've found that dining alone can open up a different experience in many finer restaurants-because you're alone, the staff tends to engage with you more. If you ask they will typically suggest specialties from the kitchen that either weren't on the menu or didn't seem appropriate for couples or groups. Sometimes, I end up being invited to sit in the kitchen, which is even better!" As a foodie, Alan Arora concludes by suggesting that if one wants to have a great meal, to be adventurous and break out of one's comfort zone during a vacation.


Alan Arora is based in the State of California. Passionate about canine adoptions, he has a history of supporting husky adoption organizations. Currently, he is the proud owner of a wooly husky and hopes to become a foster for rescue dogs in the future. Alan Arora is also an avid philanthropist who contributes to a long list of organizations, including the Dali Lama Foundation, Arora Family Foundation, and the local public library.
