AjaxUnion.com Deploys Improved Internet Advertising Services With New Staffing

Since its founding in 2007, Search Engine Agency Ajax Union has been rapidly growing in size and services, raising both its clients' expectations and its ability to meet them.

SEO company Ajax Union is just over four years old, but in that time the agency's has grown from a handful of employees to a thriving staff of 30. Owing mostly to an influx of new clients, the company's founders have relished the opportunity to tweak Ajax Union's inner workings, creating new departments and enhancing existing services.

"Our clientele has gotten quite large, and in turn we've observed and fulfilled the need for new staffing. It's really exciting for those of us who were here from the very beginning, to see how much the company's grown since 2007. We started out with less than 10 people, and now there are just about 30 of us," said Ajax Union president Zevi Friedman.

As the company has expanded, Ajax Union has adapted its internet marketing strategies and packages to better serve its small and medium-sized business clients. ApplesCreations, the website design and development branch of Ajax Union, was created in response to client demand; businesses with primitive websites - or, worse, none at all - wanted an affordable, hassle-free way to develop a strong online presence. ApplesCreations is one of Ajax Union's fastest growing branches, having recently expanded its services to include a variety of internet business development and maintenance plans, as well as E-Commerce functionality.

Other departments at Ajax Union, including sales and operations, have experienced significant growth as well. In just over a month, three new employees were added to the social media department, while the content department grew by two in just a few short weeks.

The increase in clientele and staffing has also called for more plan customization. Ajax Union has always been willing to modify or combine its existing internet business development packages to fit each client's specific needs. The continual wave of new talent has enabled the search engine agency to keep up with its clients' requests and to provide an even greater array of services.

"We believe our success has hinged not on any one thing, but on the variety of ways we do business. We offer complete transparency and flexibility without any long-term contracts, and - perhaps most crucially - we provide a complete range of internet advertising services. You need a website? We'll create it. You need a blog? Done. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn - whatever online marketing you want or need, you'll have it," said Joe Apfelbaum, CEO of Ajax Union.

To learn more about Ajax Union and the company's range of internet marketing solutions, go to www.AjaxUnion.com.The search engine agency also has a Facebook at www.facebook.com/AjaxUnion and a Twitter at www.twitter.com/AjaxUnion.