AIO Contracting Committed to Safety in the Manufacturing and Construction Industries

Because labour hire employers and employees have responsibilities for safety, AIO Contracting partners with both to provide the support that leads to positive safety outcomes.
Labour Hire

 Labour hire agency Melbourne wide, AIO Contracting, says ISO standards have long been a way for companies to prove and enact their commitment to safe and reliable practices.

According to ISO, the AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 occupational health and safety management systems were developed in response to the high levels of work-related accidents, diseases, and fatalities. It was envisioned that the standard would have the potential to save close to three million lives every year. The ISO 45001:2018 is a standard that AIO is proud to adhere to. 

When providing reliable labour hire in Melbourne, AIO commits to safety, including adhering to all Victorian safety regulations.

AIO's dedicated Health, Safety, Quality Assurance and Environment (HSQE) department provides support for all personnel employed through the labour hire company. Melbourne workers can have confidence that the AIO safety team will investigate complaints and provide corrective action for all safety concerns, including workplace bullying or harassment, plus any workplace injuries.

Additional commitments AIO has made to worker safety include appointing a dedicated return to work manager who provides advice on WorkCover claims. When employed by a labour hire company, Melbourne workers have the same rights as any other Victorian worker, and AIO is committed to providing the support workers need. 

WorkSafe Victoria warns of common hazards and risks in manufacturing, including slips, trips and falls, noisy machinery, being hit by moving objects such as industrial vehicles, handling heavy tools and equipment, injuries from lifting, pushing and pulling heavy loads, exposure to dangerous goods or hazardous substances, strain from repetitive tasks such as production line work, injuries from dangerous machinery and equipment (plant).

Risks and hazards within the construction industry include structural collapse, falls, asbestos, plant (machinery, equipment, appliances, implements, and tools) as well as cranes and lifting equipment.

Labour agencies in Melbourne must commit to greater safety for all workers, and one way that this can be achieved is through dedicated workplace health and safety courses. AIO offers the nationally registered WHS training that Melbourne employers often require of their employees.

AIO also offers ongoing training and support for labour hire employees across trades, production, ticketed, and technical services.

Source: AIO Contracting