Affiliate Invoice Report: A Bird's Eye View

Affiliate Marketing is an important part of a digital ecosystem. The Affiliate marketing industry, also known as Performance Marketing, is a vibrant world with a language of its own. Affiliate Invoice Report is an essential part of any reporting system. From time to time ad networks want to see the invoice report of a particular affiliate’s transaction. How much a particular affiliate earned through advertising. But without affiliate invoice report they don’t know the amount details. As a result miscommunication happens; affiliate’s payment might get delayed and business faces sluggishness. Affiliate invoice reporting features are allowing the admin to provide invoice report for their affiliates who can log into the platform to view their statistics at any time. These capabilities are freeing the admin having to manually create reports and provide them to affiliates.

Skin Texture of Affiliate Invoice Report

1)      Admin and affiliates can see all the details at a glance.

2)      To see all the affiliate invoice report serially of a particular affiliate this report is required.

3)      Affiliate Invoice Report shows the report date wise accordingly.

4)      It shows Affiliate’s Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Date and Invoice Amount. 

5)      Ad networks and affiliates can download the invoice as a PDF and ad-networks can mail the invoice to their affiliates.

6)      Ad-networks and affiliates can export the invoice report in an excel file without any hassle.

7)      After downloading the report, Affiliate invoice report shows Affiliate’s name, Address, Date, Offer name, Payout type, Quantity, Rate, Amount, and the Currency name.

8)      Under rate portion taxes are included accordingly.

How to generate a Affiliate Invoice Report in SAAS based application

1)      Go to Home option and select Reports

2)      After that choose Affiliate Invoice Report.

3)      After choosing the affiliate invoice report select time frame and particular an affiliate name.

4)      Then just click on the run button.

5)      After that report comes instantaneously.


Adwalnut a SAAS based performance marketing application provides a robust affiliate invoice reporting feature by which ad network runs a report without any confusion. Affiliates can also view the report from their own panel. The report comes in a very comprehensive fashion. As a consequence no miscommunication happens, business runs smoothly and ROI increases quite drastically. Hence just switch to Adwalnut and enjoy the supremacy of affiliate marketing. 

Source: Adwalnut