Aerial Announces Enhanced Collaboration With Videotron

MONTREAL, Canada, October 17, 2017 ( - Aerial Technologies, a Montreal-based provider of wireless motion analytics solutions, is proud to announce its collaboration with Canadian telecommunications player Videotron, a telecommunications company active in cable television, interactive multimedia development, video on demand, cable telephony, wireless communication and Internet access services. The two companies have been working together since earlier this year; they have now extended the nature of their relationship to generate more opportunities for both organizations.
Aerial’s solutions leverage the motion of human bodies through wireless meshes, without the need for additional hardware or sensors. Videotron has conducted a product trial over the last 6 months and the results were very positive. They are currently evaluating the performance of Aerialytix, Aerial’s cloud-based solution. “From the beginning, our team has been impressed by the Aerial technology. We are looking forward to seeing how Aerial’s solutions will contribute to next generation technologies,” says Serge Legris, Vice President & Chief Technology Planning Office, Videotron.
Videotron has also invited Aerial to run beta testing in its Open-air Laboratory for Smart Living in Montreal, a world-class experimental laboratory bringing together not only its founding partners Videotron, Ericsson, École de technologie supérieure and Quartier de l’innovation, but also researchers from multiple academic institutions, entrepreneurs, startups and citizens. It is leveraging its numerous partners in research, training, innovation and entrepreneurship to give birth to projects that are changing the face of the city. “Testing our next software release in the unique ecosystem of the Open-air Laboratory for Smart Living will be significant for us on the commercial, marketing and engineering levels. We are especially excited about collecting Videotron’s feedback to further improve and refine our solution,” says David Grant, CEO, Aerial.
As part of the potential use cases, Videotron will test an eldercare monitoring solution; with a wider proportion of the population aging, demand for simple, non-intrusive solutions to monitor patients and parents will grow. The product trial will be held before the end of 2017; the objective is to monitor elderly people’s movements in the rooms where they are living. Aerial’s WiFi Analytics Solution will send alerts when it detects that there is no motion for a pre-established number of consecutive hours.
Visit Aerial’s website to learn more about the technology behind our solutions.
About Aerial Technologies
Aerial provides ISPs and MSOs, healthcare players, security systems integrators, and smart object manufacturers with a unique cloud-based, low-cost solution that leverages existing wireless infrastructure and machine learning to give context, meaning and value to motion. Aerial’s passive and contextual solutions do not require users to interact with them, they recognize users and background. With our WiFi motion analytics SaaS, customers have access to new revenue streams with a minimum investment. Our customers also gain from accessing end-user actionable data to help them make better business decisions. We aim at becoming the wireless standard for smart motion detection through continuous innovation, passion, simplicity and inventiveness for the smart home, home care, security, healthcare and targeted media applications. Aerial’s headquarters is based in Canada; we also operate from two regional offices in the USA and in Europe. For more information about how Aerial is making IoT more human, visit
Media contact
Aerial Technologies
Jon Druker – Product Management
Source: Aerial Technologies