Advisory Board Aids Success

Medical tourism comapny builds international business and medical advisory board to build successful business.

International Wellness Resorts Inc. announced today that Ms. Kelly Meloche has joined the company's Business Advisory Board.

Ms. Meloche is President and Founder of International Health Care Providers Inc. (IHP), a leading international medical travel company based in Windsor, Ontario.

Ms. Meloche created IHP to serve as a resource of choice for Canadians needing better options for their health care. She dedicated years to establishing a framework built on ethics, compassion and commitment in order to ensure that each client of IHP would receive superior care in a family focused atmosphere. IHP specializes in connecting Canadians to world class leaders in health care, technology and medical research outside of Canada.

IHP's comprehensive research and integrated international patient program provides specialized concierge services, preferred pricing and immediate patient file review to ensure proper patient - specialist compatibility. The company has partnered with many of the most highly accredited medical institutions to provide immediate health care solutions for Canadians requiring medical and therapeutic procedures. Their professional team arranges pre & post treatment care, manages travel arrangements, supervise the transfer of medical records, and facilitate communications between health care providers, hospitals, and employer groups.

As the regarded expert in medical travel for Canadians, Ms. Meloche has spoken as the industry expert throughout Canada and the United States. She has assisted in developing strategies for successful implementation of International Patient Programs as well as creating a business model that caters to the Canadian health care consumer.

Steve Baker, President of International Wellness Resorts stated, "We are excited to have Kelly joining our business advisory board. Her successful international experience along with her enthusiasm and creative ideas will be a great asset to our company and our growth."

Baker added, "We look forward to adding dynamic leaders like Kelly to our business and medical advisory boards soon. Our professional team of trusted advisors is a key to our success; offering proven experience, sound judgment, objectivity and strong support for our company's goals."

International Wellness Resorts Inc. is being developed in beautiful Placencia, Belize. Emphasizing its theme of ultimate personal wellness, the Wellness Center will offer a variety of proprietary pain management procedures as well as a full range of wellness, cosmetic and spa products and services. These services will be complimented with luxurious resort accommodations for patients and guests during their stay.

Upon successfully attaining full scale operations in Placencia, Belize, International Wellness Resorts will replicate its business model at numerous resort locations across the globe to serve large population centers. These locations will match the Belize center in maintaining world class wellness care with a resort experience.
For more information, contact Steve Baker at 303-854-8820.

About International Wellness Resorts

International Wellness Resorts
295 Interlocken Blvd
Littleton, CO
