Advanced Trainings - Business Analytics/ Data Fusion - October 2011 - PARIS

Advanced Trainings - Business Analytics/ Data Fusion - October 2011 - PARIS For more information, you can visit our website at:

Probayes, a leading company in predictive analytics and data fusion, is organizing in Paris, in partnership with a world-renowned expert Dr Subrata Das, two unique training courses:

- Business Analytics, 17th and 18th October 2011
- Multi-sensor data fusion, 19th and 20th October 2011


The training on Business Analytics will help your collaborators working on data analytics or knowledge extraction understanding all latest tools available, best practices and methods to build efficient predictive models.

The training on data fusion is intended for scientists, engineers, software professionals and technical managers in defense and other industries who need to develop solutions to difficult fusion and decision-making problems. The training will show as well how ProBT can be used in such complex situations.

These courses will enable participants to discover advanced methods thru practical real life examples.

For more information, you can visit our website at:

Trainings are in English and each of them require basis in statistics and mathematics. A lot of practical case studies are used to illustrate all principles.

A unique opportunity to meet the expert in Europe!

Detailed program :

- Lesson 1: Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
Key Issues in Multi-Sensor Data Fusion, Low vs. High Level Fusion, Sensor Types and Characteristics, Impact of Sensor Types on Fusion System Design.

- Lesson 2: Architectures for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion and Decision Making
Joint Directorate of Laboratories (JDL) Architecture, Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) Loop, Situational Awareness vs. Situation Assessment, Cognitive Architectures.

- Lesson 3: Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Application Domains
Conventional Warfare, Military Operations in Urban Terrains (MOUT), Bioterrorism, Theater Missile Defense, Air Operations Center (AOC) Operations, Effect-based Operations (EBO), System Status and Healthy Monitoring.

- Lesson 4: Foundational Techniques for Handling Uncertainty
Bayesian Probability, Possibility Theory and Fuzzy Logic, Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions, Certainty Factor, Handling of Confidence.

- Lesson 5: Level 1 and Level 2 Fusion
Gating and Data Association, Single and Multi Target Tracking, Interacting Motion Models, Kalman Filtering for Level 1 Fusion, Unit Aggregation via Spatiotemporal Clustering, Static and Dynamic Bayesian Belief Networks for Situation Assessment, Follow-On Threat Assessment and Course-of-Action Generation, Sensitivity Analysis and Collection Management, Agent-Based Information Fusion

- Lesson 6: Decision Making in Uncertain Environment
Expected Utility Theory, Rule-Based Expert Systems, Influence Diagrams, Symbolic Argumentation and Aggregation, Measurement of Experts' Consensus.

- Lesson 7: Temporal Modeling for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
State Space Model, Hidden Markov Model, Dynamic Belief Networks, Rao-Blackwellised Filtering, Extended and Unscented