Advanced and Easy "Folder Lock Pro" released from QiQi Software

Folder Lock Pro is for Computer user's file and folder protection.

Trojans, Spyware, malware etc are always behind you to get your data from PC. They normally get easy access to your important files and infect them. Similarly, you might
have a lots of files that you don't want others to have access. In this case, what's your idea to block them from getting access? It's surely that you want to them have password protected. But it was never so easy before.

QiQi has launched their "Folder Lock Pro" recently. This might be your perfect choice and the option you were looking to stop unauthorized access to your private folders.

It is too easy to manage. This software encrypts your data which is un-recoverable. It's too easy that you just need to make some clicks to your folder and protect them with
password. Don't worry you can still move the folders as you want. All the folders you protect will be in executable format (.exe) so you just copy and paste wherever you want.

But still don't worry, your password will still work and you just need password to open it. All your files are protected through encryption which means you won't need to worry with advanced technique. It has been already tested with latest technology and have not been able to recover the folder's data without password. So, you can keep yourself
away from worry for your Folder's data. Are you worried for Folder deletion still? Don't worry for this too because none can can still delete your folder without password you
provided to lock it. And more important than this is that none of users and programs can detect it because it is always invisible. So, work for viruses and unauthorized is
increased. They need to find the folder first which is already invisible and even if they find it, they still need password to make modifications to your protected folder. And about
security, it integrates with Windows shell.

So, in short we can list these features for Folder Lock Pro:
- Hides your files and folders from unauthorized access.
- Locks files and folders are locked from unauthorized access to make modification.
- Shreds (non recoverable deletion) of files and folders which can't be recovered with latest technology also.
- Files and Folders are encrypted with AES.
- Changes files and folders into executable format which can be shared through network or anywhere else with just some clicks and still encrypted.
- Everything are done with just clicks. Even computer beginners can use it. So, it's too easy to manage.
- Cannot be bypassed with latest technology also. So, it's 100% secure to use.

More than anything else, once you buy, you will get lifetime upgrade. You can grab your copy from

About Folder Lock

Folder Lock
Arniko Rajmarg,
