Adiquity Mobile Ads Platform Now Clocking 14 Billion Ad Requests Per Month

AdIQuity announced today that it has grown 600% in the last 9 months and now serving 14 Billion Ad requests per month across 220+ countries. 32% of its traffic comes from apps and 68% from mobile web.

AdIQuity - Global Mobile Ads Platform announced today that it is now serving 14 Billion Ad requests per month across 220+ countries. This signifies a growth of 600% in the last 9 months of its operations.

The growth in AdIQuity's publisher base has come on the back of its
continued refining of the yield optimization platform combined with the on-boarding of several Mobile Ad network partners across the globe.

AdIQuity helps global as well niche mobile ad networks access quality mobile user traffic in a scalable manner thus helping them solve the publisher acquisition and maintenance challenge.

AdIQuity also recently announced the launch of its Real Time Bidding Exchange, which made them Asia's first RTB exchange for Mobile Ads.

The platform today has more than 40+ demand side partners which give them access to a diverse and global Mobile Ads inventory. On the supply side, AdIQuity continues to strengthen its app developer and publisher base across the world who are increasingly seeing significant value in AdIQuity's offering.

AdIQuity supports a wide range of mobile application platforms including iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Java, Symbian, Windows, Bada, WebOS, Palm, Brew and PSP. AdIQuity's Mobile App traffic today contributes 32% of the overall traffic, and has grown by 25X in the last 6 months.

The growth has also lent geographical diversity to AdIQuity's mobile traffic, with the following breakdown:

South Asia 29%

Europeand Middle-East 22%

South East Asia and Australia 16%

North America16%

Africa-- 9%

South America-- 8%

"I am happy that we have reached a significant milestone. Our strength is superior technology coupled with operational excellence which delivers better value to our partners. Increased confidence shown by the developers and publishers on our platform is testimony to that. We recently launched real time bidding platform for mobile ads which has great potential and I expect this growth to sustain"- said Anurag Dod - CEO - AdIQuity

About AdIQuity:

AdIQuity Global Mobile Ads platform helps supply side partners (App
developers, Mobile Site owners, Aggregators, Telcos) better manage and monetize their mobile properties. On the demand side, it works with global/regional Ad Networks, RTB bidders, Agencies and provides them a scalable access to large and diverse mobile publisher base. The company is VC funded, and is head quartered in Bangalore, India.


Sagar Manikpure


Mobile: +91 9916090745