Addiction Recovery Just Released

The book "Addiction Recovery" tells the tools used and methods applied to overcome substance abuse of alcohol addictions and drug addiction as well as how to get free from tobacco and nicotine. While also proving expert information and tips on how to retire an addiction forever.

The book "Addiction Recovery" by Kimmy Nelson tells the tools used and methods applied to overcome substance abuse of alcohol addictions and drug addiction as well as how to get free from tobacco and nicotine.  While also proving expert information and tips on how to retire an addiction forever.   A personal testimony of how the author got free from a twenty year old chemical addiction that experts and the surgeon general say is harder to stop than heroin addiction.  Also, how Kimmy Nelson overcame a drug and alcohol addiction by using the same tips, methods and tools that the author reveals in this book.  Learn how to overcome cigarette addiction no matter how many decades the smoker has been addicted.  Also learn how to get free from alcohol addiction and get control back.  Also learn how to get free from phychological addictions to marijuana, cannabis, hashes, or pot.  This book is liberating when the knowledge is applied.