Addelice released an informational website about the world's first immersion circulator dedicated to sous vide

The swid is an immersion circulator 100% dedicated to sous vide. is the swid's website where to find information about sous vide equipment, techniques and procedures.

Addelice, German designer and manufacturer of avant garde cuisine products, released a new informational website about sous vide cooking today. contains information about equipment, techniques and procedures.

Sous vide cooking means vacuum-sealing food in special pouches and cooking them at precisely controlled low temperatures in a water bath. Sous-vide cooking temperatures, usually in the range from 55ºC to 68ºC, are significantly lower than those used in traditional cooking methods. This results in very flavourful, juicy and tender food. Sous-vide also helps to improve kitchen processes and allows for efficient preparation of meals.

Precise temperature control is paramount for sous-vide cooking to achieve perfect results and reproducibility. The tool of choice for sous-vide cooking is called 'immersion circulator'. Traditionally this piece of equipment has been mainly used by laboratories since price points of 1,000€ or more are prohibitive for most individuals and many restaurants. This changed last year when Addelice introduced the Swid, the world's first immersion circulator dedicated solely to sous-vide cooking priced at 449€ incl. shipping on is available in English, French and German.