Actionable Strategies Releases Cloud-based Lean Strategy / Policy Deployment Service
Online, December 10, 2010 ( - Actionable Strategies, a boutique consulting firm serving clients globally, released a cloud computing service to enable clients to automate Lean strategy deployment / policy deployment. The service is available immediately to Actionable Strategies clients and other firms implementing a Lean strategy.
"Actionable Strategies has applied Lean principles with clients to drive revenue and optimize cost models. A significant leadership challenge revolves around the strategy or policy deployment process, especially for organizations with distributed locations that span time zones", explained Jeffrey Wu, CEO of Actionable Strategies. "Creating an efficient and automated process to flow down strategy and operational objectives and monitor progress, including rollups, makes adoption of Lean dramatically simpler. Creating a cloud-based service to help our clients was a natural evolution of our Lean strategy work."
Applying lessons learned from large scale, mature Lean strategy clients fostered development of a results-driven service. Targeted areas of improvement over manual efforts include reduced lead time to implement the Strategy Deployment process by accelerating proficiency plus greater control over the Policy Deployment process including reducing reaction time to misses and critical events. It is estimated that the service eliminated 95% of non-value add activity associated with the Policy Deployment process.
The Strategy / Policy Deployment service links countermeasures and bowler charts, providing executives with the ability to review progress on-demand and drill down from relevant metrics. The cloud-based service is available securely over the Web and consolidates data in real time, facilitating resource planning decisions. Error rates in the underlying data are dramatically lower when compared to manually updated approaches. Data is updated in real time, eliminating the need for consolidation and reconciliation. The system supports target and results data as well as non-structured information such as charts and graphs that appear on Countermeasure A3 Forms.
"Actionable Strategies applies the same strategic and operational approaches to Cloud Computing that are used with clients", noted Jeffrey Wu. "Our success with clients in demanding and regulated global environments such as brokerage and banking enabled us to rapidly plan and deploy a Cloud Computing solution. We also leveraged our global resourcing model to create the most compelling solution with an optimized cost structure."