ACIMD Eyes Expansion and Searches for Dynamic Talent

ACIMD's President discussed the team's plans for future expansion and need for sharp new talent. He also shared a few tips to help college graduates impress during job interviews.

​The executive team at ACIMD has aggressive plans for future expansion, and they know additional talent will be needed to realize their ambitions. Mike, the firm’s President, explained, “We want to reach new demographics and boost exposure for the brands we represent. To do so, we need talented people to fill entry-level positions. We are currently looking for passionate and business-minded individuals to help us reach a new level of success.”

Mike also commented on the upcoming graduation season and what it means to the firm’s recruitment efforts. “May is just around the corner, and we at ACIMD know there will be an influx of skilled graduates into the workforce,” the President said. “Our leadership team is active with job fairs on college campuses, so we already have a reputation as an ideal destination for new graduates. I am confident that we will attract top-flight talent from the ranks of new grads.”

"May is just around the corner, and we at ACIMD know there will be an influx of skilled graduates into the workforce,"

Mike, President

College graduates bring an array of unique benefits to companies. The President remarked, “Those who come to an organization right out of college are eager to make their marks on the business world. They are go-getters and are typically willing to take on any challenge. Beyond that, they also have familiarity with emerging technology. That can be very helpful to more seasoned executives and motivate them to sharpen their technical skills.”

ACIMD’s President Offers Interview Tips for College Graduates

Mike believes there are a few key strategies that will help new grads make positive impressions during job interviews. One of the most important involves knowing as much as possible about the company and industry which they are attempting to join. “It is imperative that you research your potential employer and the emerging trends in your industry,” the President stated. “If you have an idea of what the company’s competitive advantage is, you can be sure that you will make a good impression. We at ACIMD are always pleased when a candidate knows a few things about our offerings and what makes us stand out in the marketplace.”

It’s also important for graduates to have their own questions for the person conducting the interview. Mike explained, “Hiring managers and top executives want to know that you have put some thought into how you can help the company achieve its goals. I would advise any new grad to ask how success will be evaluated in his or her new role and how the work will contribute to the firm’s overall mission.”

About ACI MD

ACI MD’s team has earned a solid reputation for driving customer acquisition rates. The associates’ simple yet effective model allows them to connect quickly with customers on a personal level. They excel at creating engaging and memorable brand experiences that help generate a positive buzz about services. The team thrives on staying ahead of market trends and helping brands achieve their outreach goals. Ongoing learning and growth opportunities ensure that team members have the resources needed to give brands a competitive edge. Performance driven, ACI MD’s talented team has the knowledge and passion that begets success. 

Source: ACIMD


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