About The Canadian Ice Water
Online, August 13, 2013 (Newswire.com) - The Canadian Ice Water is associated with an artesian aquifer located in the Selkirk Mountains, near Nelson, BC, Canada. The water from the aquifier was analyzed and indicated that it was of exceptional quality - mildly alkaline water with a balanced mineral content making it a rare and valuable product. Deep sourced natural artesian water that is both alkaline and mineralized and associated with a bulk water and small bottle production plant seldom exists in Canada or in other locations in North America or internationally. Most spring water that has been bottled and brought to market is obtained from shallow surface sources that can be subject to environmental contamination. These sources are rarely both alkaline and mineralized.
Canadian Ice Water has Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) content of 280ppm. With TDS less than 500ppm, this classifies its water as natural spring/mineral water by both Canadian and USA water quality standards.
The total dissolved solids in the water comprise of minerals that would be expected in an aquifer water. These are primarily the various salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. All other essential minerals regarded as necessary for healthy living are present in trace quantities.
Iron is an essential element that plays an important function in normal health. The Canadian Health RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for iron is 15mg per day. The water contains Iron at 0.32ppm. Drinking 2 litres of Water per day would provide 0.64mg, and ideal supplementation to a normal diet.
Sulphur is present in Canadian Ice Water in trace quantities. It is essential for the maintenance of myelin sheathing of nerves and is regarded as essential for normal neurological function. If required for aesthetic taste, the sulphur content could be reduced or removed by simple carbon filtration.
The hardness of Canadian Ice Water is around 217ppm and at this level is classified as medium. Hardness of water is primarily a factor of carbonate (CO3) ions - primarily calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium bicarbonate (Ca(HCO3)2). These minerals are a highly essential component of a healthy diet. Diets low in carbonates (or high in acidic foods) typically lead to mineral deficiency disorders such as osteoporosis. The mineral (hardness) content of H2O would be an important dietary source of carbonate.
Canadian Ice Water has around 173ppm Calcium content. The Canadian RDA for calcium is 1200mg per day. Drinking 2 litres of Water per day would provide 346mg of calcium, an important natural supplement to a healthy diet.
Importantly, Canadian Ice Water is alkaline. It can be regarded as perfectly balanced for maintaining the natural alkalinity of the body. The importance of an alkaline diet is now being recognized by the medical community as an important factor in the prevention of many chronic diseases and disorders.
Very few natural spring or artesian waters are naturally alkaline and very few spring or artesian waters have an ideal mineral content. It appears to be well perfectly balanced in both alkaline and mineral content.