ABK Events Builds Culture to Create Environment of Success

ABK Events is poised for growth, and the cohesiveness of its team fuels ambitious expansion goals. The firm's director discussed how its culture encourages trust and unity, especially during the holiday season.

“I’m not one to rest on my laurels, and neither is anyone else at ABK Events. We have aggressive plans to grow personally and professionally,” shared Brett, the firm’s director of operations. “This supports the expansion plans we have for the organization as a whole.”

To make these objectives possible, Brett and his fellow leaders create an environment at ABK Events that nurtures and encourages an attitude of collaboration. “When working together, people accomplish far more than anyone can individually. This is true in every industry I can think of, and certainly applies to the dynamic promotions for which we are famous.”

"Unity is the foundation for an upward spiral of success that everyone can enjoy,"

Brett , Director of Operations

Using teamwork to deliver excellence to the brands they represent allows the associates at ABK Events to expand their influence in the marketing industry. As word of their abilities spreads, so does demand for their services. This, in turn, creates opportunities for advancement within the company. “Unity is the foundation for an upward spiral of success that everyone can enjoy,” Brett stated.

ABK Events’ Director Shares Team-Building Strategies for the Holidays

It’s no secret that the holiday season is a busy time of year for retailers, but marketers feel the pressure as well. Especially in experiential advertising, the fourth quarter is a make-or-break season. “We take our responsibilities seriously. There is no greater opportunity than the holidays to connect consumers with the brands we represent. However, I also see this as a great time to build camaraderie,” Brett explained.

To relieve some of the Q4 stress and encourage team building, ABK Events’ leaders host events both in the office and without, which gives the team opportunities to blow off steam and build friendships. Bowling nights, office parties, potlucks, Secret Santa drawings – all these and more help keep the mood light and festive.

“It’s less about what you do, and more about how you do it,” shared Brett. What’s important, he continued, is to keep things simple so everyone is able to participate. Time is at a premium for everyone right now, and elaborate celebrations could cause as much stress as they relieve. Also, it’s important to be inclusive. There are several different holiday celebrations this time of year, and everyone should feel as if their customs are honored.

Concluded Brett, “Perhaps most importantly, it’s a time to be creative! This is a fun, festive time of year, and just because your people are working hard they shouldn’t have to miss out on that feeling.”

About ABK Events

ABK Events is a full-service marketing firm with a focus on continual progression. Their skilled group of advertising experts research, plan, design, and launch exciting promotions. These events boost brand recognition, loyalty, and growth into new markets. The company’s reputation for determination and success in the field has led to its expansion into new areas. This helps businesses connect with more buyers and forge new partnerships. The team’s commitment to core values separates ABK Events from its competitors, and it continues to promote products at a high level. To learn more, visit abkeventsinc.com/.