A Study Concludes That Speed Cameras Are Dangerous

In some areas speed cameras could increase the risk of fatal and serious accidents, a study has concluded. The RAC Foundation, which carried out the study, believes some of the cameras appear to be causing accidents rather than preventing them.

The research found that at 21 camera sites the number of collisions appeared to have increased. Only a third of speed-camera partnerships overall supplied data in a usable form, the true extent of the problem could be much worse. Speed cameras can cause accidents if a driver is speeding, sees the speed camera too late and jams his foot on the break in fear of been finned. This kind of behaviour can provoke chain collisions if drivers following are distracted.

Despite evidence of some speed cameras causing more harm than good, Prof Glaister, director of the RAC Foundation, insisted the cameras played an important role in road safety. "If cameras were turned off overnight there would be something like 80 extra people killed a year and 800 people killed or seriously injured so the evidence is very good that on average they do work, they are effective." So cameras aren't going away for now.

To avoid fines and accidents related to speed camera, Android smartphone users can download FoxyTag's new application Camera Tagger. It is a simple and free Android application that warns drivers about speed cameras, mobile speed cameras, traffic light cameras and average speed cameras (SPECS). An alarm is launched 15 seconds before encountering one. In fact, in the UK, the police encourage use of these systems, as drivers who are aware of speed camera locations are more likely to slow down at accident black spots.

The 15 seconds delay is enough to react in an appropriate manner and avoid accidents and fines. For instance on motorways people generally drive slightly faster than the limit. When Camera Tagger triggers the alarm, stopping accelerating is usually enough to cross the speed camera at the right speed.

FoxyTag motivates neither speeding nor any other risky behaviour, but allows the driver to concentrate on the road instead of having his eyes fixed on the speedometer, by fear of being flashed.

Link to Camera Tagger on the Android Play Store: