A Real Opportunity to Go Deep Quick With Yogi Tom Kelly | Encinitas/San Diego

Get a personal reboot to get rid of all the unwanted and disturbing emotions that keep participants down. This is exactly what everyone will get with the guidance from Yogi Tom Kelly using the proven methods of bhakti yoga, and pranayama.

Go Deep Quick with Yogi Tom Kelly, Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, Ca,  July 27th and August 24th,  from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm, $15, 760-943-7685. Sign up now! 

Unfathomable bliss of soul magnificence lies buried within each person. It’s time to dig for pure gold.

While I was living out of state, I found Yogi Tom on twitter. Who knew that years later I would end up in the same town, at his yoga school and institute where now he inspires me in person! It's a small and powerful world, and so is Tom!

M. B., Student of Tom Kelly's

Join Yogi Tom in this once a month reboot of the mind, recalibration of the heart, and rediscovery of ones personal soul’s magnificence.

Open to all prospectors, this evening will employ the time proven methods of bhakti yoga:

  • Slashing away all disturbing emotions and mind stuff using the sword of pranayama
  • Devotional chanting
  • Reconnecting with soul brothers and sisters
  • Meditation
  • Whatever else it takes to crack the heart open, quiet the mind, and fire up the soul

This is a real opportunity for participants to break free, break patterns, and release all that holds them back from the path they wish to be on, and do it on their own terms.

Tom is the Co-Founder with his wife Trisha at the Soul of Yoga, a former monk of Self-Realization Fellowship, founded by Paramahansa Yogananda. He offers his vast life experiences and wisdom steeped in the Eastern Yogic tradition of Patanjali’s eight steps of Raja Yoga, and... Find more about Tom here. 

About Soul of Yoga

Your Space for Re-Discovery! Re-Discover the Yogi in you with the most yoga styles in Encinitas & San Diego. Re-Discover authentic power with the most unique Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Soul of Yoga
627 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, CA


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