A New Year Resolution - Focus on Your Spiritual Roots!
Online, December 29, 2013 (Newswire.com) - It is common for people to make New Year resolutions at the start of each year. How about a resolution to focus on your Roots in calendar year 2014 -- your spiritual roots that are so important to your spiritual growth? Like a plant need strong and deep roots to provide it with an anchor during storms and flood, and nourishment, especially during droughts so it can survive and thrive, people of faith also need strong and deep roots to serve as their anchor and nourishment during the storms and droughts (financial, relational and health) of their life.
For people of faith who are seeking to grow the strong and deep spiritual roots necessary to anchor and nourish their lives during calendar year 2014, a newly published and spiritually eye opening book "Roots - a metaphor and acronym for the Christian life" is now available to them at their local and online bookstore to serve as mulch, fertilizer and water for their spiritual roots.
The newly published book is complimented by the Author's website www.rootsforliving.com -- a ministry dedicated to helping Christians nurture and grow strong and deep spiritual roots so they can experience an abundant life -- a life filled with peace, a life filled with hope, a life filled with joy, and a life filled with love. You need strong and deep roots to experience that kind of life!
Christopher Falconer, the Author of Roots, is a Certified Financial Planner and Financial Advisor employed with an industry leading investment advisory firm. More important, in his personal life, Christopher is a passionate Christian, Sunday School Teacher, husband and father who was inspired to share this powerful message. The book identifies five important elements of the Christian life that can serve as our anchor and nourishment (i.e., Relationship with God, Obedience to His Word, Opportunity for ministry, the Truth that sets us free, and the joy of Salvation). Equally important, the book encourage and challenge Christians to answer a very important question that Jesus asked of the Apostle Peter, and of all Christians today -- "who do you say I Am?"
The book makes you consider that "maybe you are searching among the branches -- the world, for what can only be found in the roots -- a relationship with God our Creator. Jerry Reese, the General Manager of the New York Giants called the book "Powerful... a book that is an answer to our quest in seeking abundant life filled with peace, hope and internal joy."
Xulonpress.com, amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com now offering "Roots - a metaphor and acronym for the Christian life" on discount for those interested in growing strong and deep spiritual roots that can anchor and nourish their life.