A New Year Miracle: 17 Year Old Donates Heart and Saves a Life at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket

A 46 year old lady with dilated cardiomyopathy along with end-stage heart failure, was the recipient of the heart donated. For her, the heart transplant today at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket was nothing short of a new-year miracle.

A 32 kilometer green-corridor was set-up from Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh to Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket today at 10:20am to transport the heart of a 17-year old road traffic accident victim in 45 minutes 27 seconds. Max Super Specaility Hospital, Shalimar Bagh coordinated with other hospitals in the city to help transport the other organs, generously donated by the next of kin of the 17 year old victim. The donor’s two kidneys successfully saved lives of two patients respectively at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, the two corneas were sent to AIIMS and the liver was transported to The Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) for transplantation.

A 46 year old lady with dilated cardiomyopathy along with end-stage heart failure, was the recipient of the heart donated. For her, the heart transplant today at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket was nothing short of a new-year miracle. A team led by Dr. Kewal Krishan, Program Incharge – Heart Transplant and Ventricular Assist Devices at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket worked overnight to ensure a seamless and successful heart transplant procedure. Heart transplants in India face many challenges, from arranging the logistics for the transplant to ensuring timely tests, these roadblocks have taken many lives in the past. However, phenomenal chain of events resulted in saving several lives today with the joint efforts of a brave family, a team of leading experts at Max Healthcare along with other city hospitals and the Delhi Police.

Commenting on this miraculous series of events, Dr. Kewal Krishan, Program Incharge – Heart Transplant and Ventricular Assist Devices at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket said “Our team at Max Healthcare worked round-the-clock to ensure a seamless and successful heart transplant. There are numerous precautions that need to be kept in mind while performing a heart transplant. Before the heart is retrieved from the donor, the donor heart needs to undergo echocardiography and angiography to ascertain that the heart is healthy and has no previous damage. The heart also needs to be checked and cleared for suitability along with any diseases that can preclude the retrieval. Given the abysmal number of heart donors in India, it was crucial to ensure that every step of the transplant carried out today was carried out without any road-blocks. We at Max Healthcare are proud to have successfully performed this transplant with the support provided by the Delhi Police in creating the green corridor.”

“January is a time for resolutions. This month brings with it a hope in everyone to make changes and a chance at new beginnings. The donor’s family has given that chance to many today and we take pride in being of part of this brave and generous act. Their one decision has brought back hope and happiness in the lives of many patients and their families, it re-emphasizes how organ donation is a true sign of humanity and at Max Healthcare, we urge everyone to take inspiration from the family of this 17-year old boy and come forward for organ donation” said Dr Rajneesh Malhotra, Chief- CTVS at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket. http://www.maxhealthcare.in/index.php/hospital-network/max-super-speciality-hospital-saket