A New Era for Filmmakers and Festivals

In the modern age of festivals for filmmakers and screenwriters, World Film Presentation is the ultimate aggregator. It uses state of the art technology which gives the possibility for filmmakers from around to the world to submit their work to a large variety of international festivals, both major and independent.

World Film Presentation allows filmmakers to submit to the festivals of their choice with just one click, which gives an efficient and enhanced experience. It reduces all the lengthy processes that have previously been used within the festival industry.

Once a film has been submitted to a festival through World Film Presentation, it will be viewed by a panel of judges who will then make a decision on whether the film is suitable to be screened at the festival. All festivals advertised on the World Film Presentation aggregator offer awards for multiple categories and the use of laurels which filmmakers can then use for future promotion of their films.

There are a number of differences between World Film Presentation and other aggregators. One of the major differences is that unlike other aggregators who only use the festivals to decide who should be screened. World Film Presentation has a panel of judges who can assist festivals in choosing the most suitable films for each festival. All these judges have extensive experience in the film industry and are well known and respected.

There is also an option for the individual festivals to search the World Film Presentation database and look for specific films that they would like to include in their festivals and contact the filmmakers directly. In most cases, this would then allow the filmmakers to submit to the festival using a fee waiver, which would probably result in the film being screened.

One very unique advantage Word Film Presentation can offer is to allow audiences to choose which films they would like to see at certain festivals. Another benefit for filmmakers using the aggregator is that theatres are able to browse the database and select films they would like to screen commercially at their venues. When this happens, the filmmaker is entitled to receive a percentage from the gross net ticket sales that their film earns. This offers endless possibilities for filmmakers to gain further promotion and commercial distribution.

As World Film Presentation approaches its 5th year of successfully introducing filmmakers to festivals, it is proving that this aggregator is set to continue to grow and will include even more festivals in the future. All festivals on the World Film Presentation aggregator are real festivals which enable the filmmakers to meet and discuss the industry and their passion. No online screenings are ever held.

Ultimately, World Film Presentation is leading the way forward to improve and revolutionize the film festival industry.

Website: http://worldfilmpresentation.com

Email: worldfilmpresentation@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Worldfilmpresentation/

Source: World Film Presentation

About World Film Presentation

World Film Presentation utilizes state-of-the-art technologies which allow filmmakers to submit films by one click to major and independent festivals around the world. We can confirm that all the festivals on this aggregator are real. No online scree