A New Blog Site - BORN FREE ... In Australia

BORN FREE ... in Australia, has been established to share information about the changes that are taking place in Australian society. The site owners state they want to remind all Australians that democracy is a precious thing.

The Born Free team also says they will not let fear of being labeled racist get in the way of sharing a wide range of interesting and insightful information.

The blog collects media articles and brings them all together to make it easy for people to access the information without having to undertake hours of Internet searches. In addition to posting new material, Born Free intends to source and post older media articles, so readers can review statements made by politicians and then decide if the promises have been delivered.

Born Free ... in Australia hopes to start a vigorous debate between natural born Australians and people who have chosen to make this great country their home. Individuals should have the freedom to discuss their concerns about our current immigration system, without being told they are racist. This is a free country that encourages energetic debate on all issues; especially ones that are impacting on the Australian way of life.

Born Free ... in Australia wants to remind us all that intelligent debate now, may stop Australian political leaders from making mistakes that could have negative outcomes for future generations.

The number of people that are seeking refugee status in Australia has grown enormously over the past years. Are all these people genuine refugees? Is it racist to demand that politicians review immigration laws? Is it wrong to be concerned when people in detention destroy public property? There are many questions that need to be asked and answered.

History is heavily clouded with social events that are a blight on human society. Many of these events could have been stopped if individuals had the courage to speak out and stand up for their beliefs and values.

Born Free ... in Australia wants people to have their say, because true debate is the only way to find out how the majority of Australian citizens feel about current affairs, and to know how they want to shape this country's future.

About Born Free
