Launches to Prove That a Hillary/Bernie Unity Ticket Will Win in November

A Hillary/Bernie Unity Ticket Will Unify The Democratic Party And Crush Donald Trump In November. New poll shows Bernie is the runaway favorite to be Hillary's running mate.

Democratic activists launched to make the case for why Bernie Sanders is the best choice for Hillary, the Democratic Party and the country.  This ticket would unify the Party, attract the most voters, and create the strongest team possible to win against Donald Trump.

A recent Rasmussen poll shows that 36% of Democrats want Hillary to name Bernie as vice president.  There are powerful reasons for this:

A Hillary/Bernie Unity Ticket Will Unify The Democratic Party And Crush Donald Trump In November.

* Bernie has started a progressive revolution giving voice to millions of Americans who had lost faith in our government. 

* Hillary and Bernie in the White House will keep the progressive revolution going.

• Bernie speaks truth to power and stands up for the common man, which are the core driving forces of this election cycle.

• Hillary and Bernie balance each other in many ways, and as a team they are stronger than they are alone.

• Bernie has the integrity and credibility to create and inspire change on a whole host of economic and progressive issues.

* A Hilliary/Bernie ticket would be unstoppable in November. 

• Bernie can enhance Hillary’s chances of winning by bringing millions of young people and progressives to vote, thereby strengthening her campaign. 

• Many new, young and previously disenfranchised voters will support a unity ticket with grassroots enthusiasm.

• Bernie has the experience and temperament to take over the reins of the presidency, if necessary.

The BernieForVicePresident campaign urges all the delegates and super delegates who have pledged for both candidates to come together and create a “unity ticket” that can usher in real, systemic and lasting progressive change.  The campaign urges all Americans to support this powerful unity ticket. 

