A fresh look at travel in Africa

etravelafrica.com is the only B2B website covering exclusively Travel in Africa and the Indian Ocean islands. We provide travel professionals an inspiring and operational content with daily travel news, travel offers and features

etravelafrica.com is the only B2B website covering exclusively Travel in Africa and the Indian Ocean islands. We provide travel professionals an inspiring and operational content with daily travel news, travel offers and features

With multiplying business opportunities, and governments eyeing tourism as a major economic lever, the travel industry in Africa is changing fast. As a consequence, travel, tourism and hospitality players in Africa are facing new challenges in promoting their products to their key and emerging markets.


E-Travel Africa offers travel professionals with interest in Africa opportunities to tie up efficiently with the travel trade, through information, promotion, and market intelligence.

- Information

Travellers going to Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands are discerning and value sensitive consumers. They rely on their travel agents for planning their trip and getting their desired travel experience. These travel advisors need to have a constantly updated and accurate information. With daily news, feature articles and travel offers we aim to support their mission.

In a general way, we give travel professionals a daily insight of the changes happening in the travel industry in Africa, with a special focus on airline industry and destination marketing issues.

- Promotion

Travel companies across Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands need a wide exposure to raise and maintain brand awareness.

E-Travel Africa offers various and cost-effective options for travel companies looking to promote their brand to a targeted audience.

On the website and the newsletters, our various advertising opportunities include:
- Banners on home page or specific content
- Travel offers
- Recruitment advertising
- Hotel and Destinations reviews

For Tour Operators, who generally look for the most efficient platforms to merchandise their products, we will launch starting November a B2B online marketplace that will help them tie up with travel distributors on a dedicated platform.

- Market Intelligence Services

Travel companies need relevant tools to track their key and emerging market sources. From emailing campaigns to data mining applications, E-Travel Africa supports travel companies in their marketing efforts and help them better profile their target market.


Managing Director, Business Developmen

Faiza has held various financial management positions in consulting and legal services firms. Having travelled extensively throughout Africa, a mission in the Indian Ocean Islands led her to convert to the Travel Industry. Holding an MBA in Hospitality Management (ESSEC Business School - Paris), she is now focusing on Destination Marketing issues in Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands

Jean-François ZANG
E-Marketing and Market Intelligence Services Director

As a consultant, he has designed and implemented Business Intelligence solutions in high-value added sectors for top clients such as Societe Generale Investment Banking, Bouygues Telecom, Hewlett-Packard or LVMH. Database modelling, data mining strategies, predictive analysis... Jean-François has an in depth knowledge of market intelligence issues. He is bringing his expertise to help travel companies better profile and serve travellers and their intermediaries.

E-Travel Africa
23, rue Nollet
75017 Paris
Paris, France
Phone: +33 (0)6 03 05 29 26


About eTravel Africa
