A Catered Affair Offering Wedding Catering Services in Vancouver

A Catered Affair has been offering its high quality wedding catering services in and around Vancouver BC.

Vancouver, BC: A Catered Affair has been helping individuals in Vancouver and adjoining areas in BC in proper planning and smooth-running of a wedding reception. The company looks after almost all kinds of wedding catering needs of individuals starting from menu to final clean-up.

Important role played by the catering service provider in arranging high quality wedding receptions include:
•The BC-based wedding caterer helps in the planning of a perfect menu by suggesting their most popular menu items so that everyone can enjoy food items of their own choice. The menu comprises of a wide variety of food items so as to ensure that everyone gets the perfect meal along with a wonderful time.
•They also provide staffing services for the purpose of serving the food at wedding reception.
•The company has good experience and expertise in planning everything in a wedding reception starting from room layout to table arrangements and decorations as well.
•In addition to event planning, final clean up of the event site is also carried out by A Catered Affair in a better way. For this purpose, they have a dedicated team of cleaners.
This way, A Catered Affair is very well looking after the wedding catering needs of its huge clientele all over Vancouver, BC.

About acateredaffair

300-1275 W. 6th Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 1A6 Tel: 604-681-1198 Fax: 604-681-1189 Email
2212 Vauxhall Place Richmond, British Columbia V6V 1Z9 Tel: 604-,
V6H 1A6
