A 2012 Resolution That Will Create A Social Media And Networking Buzz Or Lack Thereof

Kevin Hester the Gossip Free Founder is continuing his campaign in 2012 and taking it to the Social Media, Social Networking arena, asking people to PAUSE before they type, text or post.

The New Year is upon us and Resolutions abound but a new type of challenge is being proposed by Kevin Hester, The pastor of The Sanctuary Church in Watervliet, Michigan who started the "Gossip Free" 8 Day Challenge.His is now asking people to go Gossip Free in the social media and on the social network areas.

As the internet and cell phones continue to connect people around the U.S. and around the world, Kevin believes they also continue to be a devastating tool for the spread of destructive gossip, so he is asking everyone to PAUSE before they type, text, or post something that might contain gossip. He would like us to first ask ourselves if it is Private, Attacking, Untruthful, Sensitive, or Exaggerated and if it is, then simply refrain from sending it or to change the message.

Once gossip hits the information highway,or is texted many people will inevitably accept it as fact and the information cannot be retrieved. It just continues to spread.Kevin believes Gossip is like a cancer that if not dealt with will contniue to grow and bring ultimate destruction. He is attepting to make more people aware of the Gossip problem and has written a few small books about the subject, passes out white Gossip Free bracelets,has business cards addressing gossip and has started a few websites dealing with the subject.

Dropping pounds and spending less are all admirable goals but Kevin says this year we should start a revolution with a resolution that can really make a difference. If you would like more information on gossip and the "Gossip Free?" campaign, visit the website www.gossipfree.net.

Kevin Hester, Pastor, The Sanctuary Watervliet, Michigan and Gossip Free Challenge Founder
The Sanctuary Church, 206 Church St. (P.O. Box 316) Watervliet, Mi 49038

About The Sanctuary Church

The Sanctuary Church
p.o.box 759
Coloma, MI
