5000 Free Conference Calls for SMEs with Fly Powwownow

As a small business, Powwownow knows how difficult it is to afford face to face meetings, as both time and money being in short supply in these challenging times. Therefore the free conference call provider Powwownow decided to help out SMEs.

London, 23rd November 2009 At Powwownow employees believe that meeting face to face could soon be a thing of the past and conference calls (http://www.powwownow.co.uk/Conference-calls ) are going to be on the increase. During their most recent ICM poll were the following facts revealed:

• Meetings have dropped by 30% during the recession
• 31% of corporates are being encouraged to make use of conference calls and web conferencing, leading to a 20% increase in usage from 2008.

So as airlines ignore their environmental responsibilities and promote flying to meetings as the best business alternative, Powwownow is taking them head on, firstly with the now-famous ad response to FlyBe's 'Business is better face to face' campaign (http://www.powwownow.co.uk/lifebehindblog/?p=729 ) and now with an offer of 5,000 free conference calls for SMEs in response to British Airways' offer of 5,000 business class flights for new and existing exporters, which will still cost the 'winners' hundreds of pounds in airport taxes and charges.

'I have built successful businesses using conference calls, and I would like to help other small businesses do the same. Unlike BA, our prizes are completely free with no hidden taxes and no charges, allowing businesses to reach the same decisions in a fraction of the time with no cost to them or the environment', comments Powwownow's CEO, Andy Pearce.

In order to receive a share of free Powwownow conference calls, participants merely need to register at (http://www.flypowwownow.co.uk )

About Powwownow
Powwownow (http://www.powwownow.co.uk ) was founded in 2004, offering customers low-cost conference calling facilities with the ethos of no booking, no billing, no fuss. (The customer does not need to book a conference room and never receives a bill from Powwownow, just the cost of a 0844 national rate call added to their bill). Turnover for 2009 is expected to reach £7m. The company operates in 15 countries including the US and major European markets.

Powwownow employs 32 people and is based in Richmond, London.