5 Things You Need to Know About Perdomo Cigars

EASTON, PA - Cigar Advisor is the online magazine created exclusively for those who love their cigars and the lifestyle that goes with it. The latest article written by Editor at Large, Tommy Zman, is the 5 Things You Need to Know About Perdomo Cigars. Or better yet… 5 Things YOU DIDN'T KNOW about Perdomo cigars!

After several lengthy discussion with Nick Perdomo and Tabacalera Perdomo vice president, Arthur Kemper, Tommy admits that he himself didn't know these five intriguing facts.

"Just when you think you know a company or the people who run it, you find out a whole lot more than you thought!" says Zman. "These are some pretty cool factoids and cigar lovers will find them every bit as cool as I do."

Nick is so popular with the cigar fans because he genuinely and deeply appreciates their loyalty. If you've ever attended a Perdomo event where Nick himself is there, you know all too well the man makes sure he addresses every single person.

"I've personally stood next to the guy at cigar shop events for hours on end as he meets, greets, kisses babies, poses for pictures and talks cigars 'til the lights go out," says Zman. "He genuinely loves the fans and the loyalty he's built for his brand is immeasurable."

To check out the full article -- Click Here.

About Cigar Advisor Magazine:
Cigar Advisor magazine is a digital publication created by, and for, real cigar enthusiasts. The Editors strive every day to accomplish three goals: welcome novices to the hobby of cigar smoking with advice and open arms; share their tobacco-rich lifestyle with good friends and veteran smokers alike; and profess their love for a good smoke with cigar enthusiasts of all stripes, from around the world. Cigar smokers are a passionate bunch - and whether it is food, drink, sports or cigars they're fanatical about, Cigar Advisor shares those passions with a razor-sharp edge. Find that passion and more on display at www.CigarAdvisor.com.

Image Available: www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2016/3/21/11G088312/Images/5-things-perdomo-87070bf682cf96c3be31a88f2b48d503.jpg

Source URL: http://www.marketwired.com/mw/release.do?id=2108407&sourceType=3