5 Reasons to Be Bullish About Drug Abuse

NEW YORK, July 31, 2019 (Newswire.com) - Bullish is another term for optimistic, hopeful or confident. And there are many reasons to be optimistic about tackling drug abuse, say the volunteers of Foundation for a Drug-Free World, who handed out Truth About Drugs booklets at the New York Stock Exchange.
1. An analysis done by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found the average effective school-based drug education and prevention program costs $220 per pupil, including materials and teacher training, and these programs could save an estimated $18 per $1 invested in substance abuse prevention dollars and cents.
2. Foundation for a Drug-Free World can reduce those costs tremendously, as it provides its drug education and prevention materials and training free of charge to educators, mentors, parents and anyone wishing help young people avoid the tragedy of drug abuse and addiction.
3. The Foundation provides an entire curriculum and lesson plans that cover all of the most commonly abused drugs and dispel false pro-drug propaganda young people are exposed to.
4. The program makes an impact on the kids who are exposed to it. The materials are geared to present the subject in terms and images that have relevance to their experience and lives.
5. Parents can take the matter into their own hands, as the Truth About Drugs program makes it easy to talk to kids about drugs, and teenagers whose parents do so are 42 percent less likely to use drugs.
The Church of Scientology and Scientologists support the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. In his research on the subject, Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard found: “The single most destructive element present in our current culture is drugs.”
By using the materials of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, humanitarians from New York City to Malaysia and El Salvador to India use the campaign to educate their communities and reduce drug abuse and addiction.
For more information, watch The Truth About Drugs: Real People, Real Stories documentary and public service announcements on the Scientology Network.
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Source: Church of Scientology International