5 Lessons for Success From Usain Bolt

Minneapolis, MN, December 6, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Usain Bolt is an Olympic legend who has been called “the fastest man alive” for smashing world records and winning 9 gold medals as a reigning champion at the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Summer Games. The road to athletic success whether in high school or the Olympics requires hard work and belief in one's self. Usain Bolt has done that and here are five lessons you can learn from him.
1. You have to want it more
I was seeing all of my friends getting recruited and I was not getting any interest. So I tried Under Recruited Preps and now I have colleges showing me interest and all. I really think anyone who wants to get their name out there should do this immediately. I hope I get more coming soon!
Dorian Johnson, Plymouth High School
“Those seven guys behind you in that lane, they want it as much as you want it. So, you have to want it more. This is why you train harder.” – Usain Bolt
In sports, the only way to succeed is to work harder than your competition. Everybody wants to be a champion, but who is willing to work the hardest?
Under Recruited Preps is for those kind of athletes. The athletes who work hard and deserve a chance to be looked at by college coaches. Once a member, student-athletes have access to every NCAA and NAIA institution.
2. Focus on the finish line
“There are better starters than me, but I’m a strong finisher.” – Usain Bolt
This reference is also in the Bible-
Ecclesiastes 7:8 New Living Translation (NLT); 8 Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.
Everybody's recruiting process is different. The main thing is focusing on the finish line throughout high school. Remember that recruiting starts the first day of freshman year.
3. Be consistent
“I always had to keep improving my skills in order to remain competitive and keep winning.” – Usain Bolt
You can’t be complacent in sports. The competition wants it just as bad. Less than six percent of high school athletes will play in college. The competition is fierce. Under Recruited Preps will guide you throughout the process and provide you maximum exposure to college coaches.
4. Believe in yourself
“I told you all I was going to be #1, and I did just that.” – Usain Bolt
This is the first rule when it comes to succeeding. If you don’t believe in yourself who will?
5. Prove them wrong
“I’d like to say to all my fans out there, thanks for all the support. And to all my doubters, thank you very much because you guys have also pushed me.” – Usain Bolt
You will always have doubters, but the best feeling is proving them wrong. Every successful person has had a couple doubters and pushed even harder.
Under Recruited Preps is all about motivating student-athletes and making dreams a reality.
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Source: Under Recruited Preps