2012VotersGuide.Com Domain Name Auction Announced By CodePilot, LLC

CodePilot, llc announces the availability of the 2012VotersGuide.com and VotersGuide2012.com domains via a confidential sealed bid auction. These highly visible names are an asset to any advertising campaign.

Just in time for the 2012 Presidential elections, CodePilot, llc is offering the following easy to remember and highly visible domain names for sale by confidential sealed bid auction:

2012VotersGuide.com, .net, org, info
VotersGuide2012.com, .net, .org, .info

These domains are a must have addition to any television, print or radio advertising campaign.

Mark McCray, the president of CodePilot, llc told us, "It's no secret how many times the public turns to the Internet for their information. Unfortunately search engines can give confusing and irrelevant results. But the 2012VotersGuide domains are exceptionally easy to remember. People will avoid the search and go straight to the this site for information."

"Simply imagine the value this domain name could add to your campaigns", Mr. McCray continues. "Telephone numbers and long or confusing domain names mean your audience will not be able to find the information you want to provide. Simple on-topic domain names will increase your response rate dramatically."

Unlike other companies specializing in domain names, CodePilot, llc is offering these domains at a reasonable price. "Millions of dollars for a domain name is unreasonable", says Mr. McCray. The minimum bid is reasonable and if you are not interested in taking a chance on the auction, a buyout amount has been set and the first bid for that amount will be declared the winner.

The auction period began February 14, 2011 and ends March 25, 2011 at 5:00pm EST. For complete information, including the auctions rules and requirements, visit 2012votersguide.com.

About CodePilot, llc

CodePilot, llc
PO Box 867
Cary, NC
