20,000 Attendees Are Informed of the Truth About Psychiatry at Exhibition in Taiwan

Timed to coincide with this year's World Psychiatric Association's International Congress of Psychiatry in Taipei, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) 'Industry of Death' Traveling Exhibit educated psychiatrists and the general public on the shocking roots of psychiatry and the criminal practices and abuses of the industry today.
20,000 visitors toured the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death exhibit in Taipei, Taiwan, this week, coinciding with the annual World Psychiatric Association International Congress on Psychiatry.

​At the entrance to the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death exhibit is a sign warning visitors of the “graphic material” contained inside. And many of the 20,000 visitors to the exhibit in Taipei this week, including psychiatrists gathered for the annual World Psychiatric Association International Congress on Psychiatry, were shocked by what they learned.

Created and organized by the human rights watchdog group Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), and translated into Chinese for the first time, the exhibit documents the origins of psychiatry including its blatant disregard for human rights; psychiatry’s social control and profit-driven motives; and psychiatric “treatments” that result in debilitation and death.

"Thank you for being a voice for psychiatric patients."


Those who toured the exhibit learned of a litany of psychiatric crimes: Psychiatrists were behind the pseudoscience of eugenics that sought to eliminate “undesirables” from the gene pool, and they engineered the wholesale slaughter of disabled children in Nazi Germany with “euthanasia” techniques they then exported to Hitler’s death camps.

With each new panel in the exhibit from psychiatry’s destruction of artists to its invention of disorders for which they can then prescribe harmful drugs, electroshock and brain operations, the truth about psychiatry comes into focus.

Among those who toured the exhibit were a medical professional who stated, “Psychiatrists brush aside their medical mistakes and don’t take responsibility for finding the real cause of a patient’s difficulties.” A medical student left the exhibit with “a completely different viewpoint.” And the supervisor of a Taiwanese rehabilitation association returned to the exhibit with 14 of his patients.

“Thank you for being a voice for psychiatric patients,” a teacher said after studying the exhibit panels.

One professor was so impacted that he shared his concerns with the head of student affairs for his university, asking that CCHR representatives be invited to speak to all the school’s educators so they can counsel their students without being misled by psychiatric propaganda.

Throughout the week, the exhibit also hosted a series of lectures presented by medical doctors and other professionals, debunking psychiatric diagnoses of stress, depression, “ADHD,” and describing alternatives to dangerous psychiatric drugs.

CCHR is a mental health watchdog co-founded by the Church of Scientology and the late Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus at the State University of New York Health Science Center in Syracuse.

From its headquarters in Los Angeles, California, CCHR International guides a global human rights advocacy network of some 200 chapters across 34 nations. CCHR Commissioners include physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers, legislators, government officials, educators and civil rights representatives.

To learn more about Citizens Commission on Human Rights, visit www.cchr.org.

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