100 Wind Farm Owners Sign Up to 'Capture Every MWh'

100 Wind Farm Owners, responsible for more than 73 GW of wind power, provide insight into successful O&M, failure rates and post-warranty

The 9th Annual Wind O&M Dallas 2017 Conference and Exhibition (April 10-12) hosted by Wind Energy Update, will put the spotlight on all wind energy issues executives are increasingly demanding more clarity on.

Proof of this, are the 100 Wind Farm Owners responsible for more than 73 GW of wind power, who have already confirmed their attendance and want to know more about successful O&M, failure rates and post-warranty service strategies.

Another benefit of attending this conference will be to access critical market knowledge from major stakeholders from organisations such as Invenergy, E.ON, Duke, DTE, Pattern, Innogy, Orion, Algonquin, RES, Apex and more, as they tackle what more can be done to squeeze AEP gains across all wind portfolios,

Kerr Jeferies, Project Director

“These are just some of the issues which will be covered in depth at this, the world’s foremost gathering for key wind energy decision makers and budget holders,” says Wind Energy Update Senior Project Director, Kerr Jeferies.

“Another benefit of attending this conference will be to access critical market knowledge from major stakeholders from organisations such as Invenergy, E.ON, Duke, DTE, Pattern, Innogy, Orion, Algonquin, RES, Apex and more, as they tackle what more can be done to squeeze AEP gains across all wind portfolios,” explains Jeferies.

And, importantly, it’s the perfect platform to get ahead of the curve on big data analytics, prognostics and failure mitigation tools and technologies with pioneering perspectives and innovative insights from 20+ handpicked supply chain case studies and product demonstrations showcased at 50+ booths.

The top features for 2017 include:

  • The Owner Operator Workshop & Networking Day which will provide owner operators with an exclusive chance to pore over technical O&M case studies, tools, technologies and strategies in a private peer-environment;
  • New Asset & Risk Management Workshops designed exclusively for asset, risk and revenue professionals that will reveal how to maximize generation and revenue.
  • Brand new deep-dive workshops from NGC and TSL – NGC which will take delegates through Standard Gearboxes for Wind Turbine Manufacturers and the After Sales Market Service and TSL review with an expert panel including, Leeward, NRG and Dallas Fire Department.
  • The 3rd Annual Wind O&M Dallas Awards Ceremony & Networking Dinner – attended by major stakeholders, winners and nominees old and new.

“This year’s theme ‘Capture Every MWh’ is an important mission for all wind executives looking to plan for the future of wind. If you believe it too, then join us in Dallas 110-12 April 2017 for our most ambitious O&M program to date,” concludes Kerr.

Here is a copy of all you need to know

Kerr Jeferies

Project Director | Wind Energy Update

FCBI Energy Ltd.


1800 814 3459 ext.7565

Source: Wind Energy Update