100 Ways to Lose Weight by Leann Forst is Now Available on Amazon

100 Ways to Lose Weight by Leann Forst is for busy families trying to deal with the obesity challenge

With more than two-third adults and thirty-three percent children overweight, obesity-related diseases in America could soon reach all-time highs. Obesity has skyrocketed from dramatic changes in food processing techniques and lifestyle habits. Sadly, this generation may live a shorter lifespan than their ancestors.

Conditions such as aching muscles, allergies, arthritis, asthma and stiff fingers are all caused by inflammation, which says Forst is linked to all major diseases including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Toxic substances in food contribute to inflammation, and chronic inflammation is a sign of system failure, which could make the body vulnerable to diseases.

Inflammatory diseases have increased from deterioration in diet quality over the past three generations. Carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins and vitamins from food provide nutrition and form inflammation-promoting substances, to help fight infection, and anti-inflammatory substances, to moderate and turn off inflammation. In a healthy body, a balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory substances is desirable. Extensive processing of food contributes to an unbalanced diet, with more pro-inflammatory substances.

Treating inflammation with drugs masks the symptoms of inflammation, rather than treating underlying causes. Drugs could also have side effects, which could give rise to further complications.

Forst argues dealing with inflammation requires identifying triggers in food that set the stage for inflammation. Fried food interferes with the body's ability to control inflammation, for instance, or being overweight increases the production of inflammation-causing substances.

Empathizing with the challenges faced by families, from her own experience, Forst provides easy-to-apply tips, tricks and transitions to restore balance in the body. Using insights from research, Forst suggests effective strategies to avoid overeating by selecting food that satisfy the palate and provide nutrition.

Unlike many other time-bound guides, Forst accommodates the needs of different lifestyles—readers may try different strategies and incorporate one or more changes to match their lifestyle needs. In each of the seven chapters, Forst takes up a theme, which could be used as building blocks of a custom-made weight loss program. 100 approaches spanning the themes build up to the conclusion that inflammation could be managed by dietary habits. Instead of guaranteeing weight loss, Forst assures that the natural outcome of incorporating good dietary practices is a slimmer, healthier body.

About Leann Forst

Born and raised as an Iowa farm girl, Leann Forst moved to Texas where she met and married her husband. Forst holds a BS from Upper Iowa University and an MS from Drake University. After two decades in

sales and marketing, Forst turned an abrupt corner in her life when faced with health problems that conventional medicine could not solve. As a determined mother and die-hard researcher, Forst studied dietary and healing theories at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, the World’s Largest Nutrition School, to become a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Food Toxin Expert. Besides healing her family, Forst now helps families identify food toxins and triggers that are making them sick. Forst also volunteers on her district’s school health advisory committee to develop health initiatives through nutrition and activity programs in over fifty-three schools. Forst launched GroovyBeets.com to provide nutrition and healing information—users could learn how to identify food toxins and beat chronic disease to improve energy, sleep better and live longer.