An Introduction to SoftwareTestingGenius - The Best Site on Software Testing, QTP Certification & ISTQB Certification

SoftwareTestingGenius was born exactly two years ago by the efforts of a trio of Experts of the IT field, especially the Quality Assurance & Software Testing domain.

The motive behind launching of SoftwareTestingGenius had been to help young IT Professionals to use it as a career launch pad while learning new skills & shaping up their career in Software Testing & QA.

A message to the testing community:
Probably you don't really realize your skills as well as you wish you did.

SoftwareTestingGenius helps you scale up your expertise to an unbelievable extent that you will shake your head in amazement. Simply keep on browsing & practicing its valuable stuff regularly brought to you and judge your progress yourself.

Innumerable Strengths of SoftwareTestingGenius

1) Interview Preparation: Prepare you to beat any interview in Testing & QA - May it be Manual Testing or Automated Testing

2) Decision on Certifications: Help you choose from different available certifications related to Testing

3) Preparation for Certifications: Provides excellent study material & complete road map on popular certifications like:

# ISTQB Certifications Exams for Foundation & Advanced Levels

# HP QuickTest Professional (QTP) - HPO-M16 exam

# HP Quality Center (QC) - HPO-M15 exam

# HP LoadRunner (LR) - HPO-M18 exam

# HP LoadRunner VuGen - HPO-M19 exam

# IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT) - IBM-000-842 exam

# CSTE (Certified Software Tester) certification from QAI

Study material has been compiled by the best certified professionals & trainers promising mastery over core skills and knowledge desired to pass the desired certification exams with excellent score.

4) Powerful Learning Aids: Loaded with powerful learning aids for testing tools like ISTQB, HP QTP, HP QC, IBM RFT, HP LoadRunner:

# Multimedia Quizzes: Offers real time exam environment on hundreds of multiple choice objective type questions.

# Self Learn Tutorials: Several descriptive tutorials help polishing one's skills.

# Descriptive Question Answers: Hundreds of descriptive questions with answers from experts.

# Descriptive Articles: Great knowledge packed in high quality articles on various topics on Testing & QA

5) Skill Enhancement: Powerful learning & support material helping you to migrate from a "Tester" to a "Manager".

6) Skill building aids for Team Leads & QA Managers: Experienced testers like Team leads & Managers can review their skills from time to time over constantly updating objective type tests.

7) Exhaustive Glossary of terms: Comprehensive Glossary of Terms on testing & QA you can ever think of.

Exciting Advertising Attractions

Being an advertiser with SoftwareTestingGenius is an intelligent decision to publicize your product & services to the right audience cost effectively & very quickly all across the globe.

Great Statistics of Visitors

a) Google Page Rank (March 09): PR - 4 acquired in less than 5 months of existence.
b) Alexa Rank: 206,118
c) Monthly visitors: 1,35,000+
d) Monthly page views: 1,80,000+
e) Feedburner subscriptions: 1,450+

SoftwareTestingGenius has now become a favorite place for IT students and testing professionals, where they chose to spend their maximum time in their pursuit for excellence.

It had been possible just due to the overwhelming support from thousands of Readers exploring the valuable content of the Website Everyday.

We assure you all, that you will continuously get "Unique & Exciting" Content helpful to all the Friends engaged in Quality Assurance & Software Testing.

Thanks once again!!!

About Software Testing
