MiCamp Solutions Announces EMV Terminals to Protect Casinos From the Liability Shift

MiCamp Solutions offers EMV compatible terminals to protect casinos and the gaming industry from the liability shift. On October 1, 2015, EMV technology must be used or casinos will be liable for credit card fraud.

MiCamp Solutions, a leader for delivering payment solutions to various industries, now offers EMV terminals to allow casinos to adopt EMV technology before the liability shift. On October 1, 2015, EMV technology will become the standard in the United States for processing credit and debit card transactions. Those who fail to update payment terminals to support EMV chip-based cards will be held fully liable for any fraudulent charges that incur.

With a report from Barclays reporting 47 percent of the world’s credit card fraud occurs in the United States, major credit card issuers and banks implemented the October deadline to migrate payment processing to increase the security of credit card transactions. EMV offers the security solutions needed to protect against the use of counterfeit, lost, and stolen cards, while protecting card holder data with increased authorization features for user verification.

EMV has been instrumental in stopping fraud around the world and is now being adopted by businesses in the US,” said John Hong, Director of Security and IT for SBE Group/SLS Casino. “Businesses that adapt EMV technology will survive and those that do not, will see difficult times ahead.”

Casinos who fail to adopt EMV technology are at greater risk for data breaches and credit card fraud, as well as a damaged reputation should fraud occur.

“There have been increases in the number of security breaches, especially surrounding retail and hospitality businesses,” said Hong. “These security breaches are costly due to the financial losses and penalties levied by the credit card associations, but also due to the irreparable damage to the brand.”

MiCamp Solutions offers EMV payment terminals to protect casinos and customers from credit card fraud, decreasing the risk for costly liability charges and damaged reputations. By upgrading payment terminals to support EMV technology, casinos will have the highest level of security possible when processing credit card payments, while benefiting from new preferred payment options, like pay-at-the-table and mobile payments.

MiCamp Solutions encourages casinos to update payment terminals before the October deadline to prevent data breaches, credit card fraud, and liability charges.

About MiCamp Solutions:

MiCamp Solutions is a leader for delivering payment processing solutions, including EMV technology, to deliver the customized solutions businesses need. Through strong partnerships and extensive expertise in payment processing, MiCamp Solutions offers the effective and proven technologies needed to support business management.

Contact MiCamp Solutions:

MiCamp Merchant Solutions

6930 E. Chauncey Ln. #210

Phoenix, AZ


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