How Makeup Artists "Should" Prepare for the Future of Skin

Most makeup removers on the market contain ingredients that can damage skin over time.

The Fact is that most makeup removers on the market contain ingredients that can damage skin over time. It is time to choose a natural makeup remover that will allow your clients and even yourself to stay fresher and younger looker for a greater number of years.

Staying ahead by emerging into using green health enhancing eco friendly products.

"Think about these choices: Walking on the beach barefoot in the sun, eating an apple or orange off a tree, swimming in the perfect PH of the ocean, breathing the fresh air of the country or forest, using grape seed or coconut oil on your skin, letting air flow though your home, becoming more like nature herself. I ask you which one of those choices would lend itself to a longer healthier life? Mother Nature wants to heal you and get you healthy, she has tools, free tools in wild abundance surrounding you every minute of your life, yet, how can she compete and heal you when you bombard yourself with a daily onslaught of toxins? YOU need to let her help you and I hope to give you the push you need to get the ball rolling." - Simple Baby Steps to Permanent Weight Loss and True Cellular Health - Greg J. Kelly - BOOK

Greg J. Kelly, Author

Having a holistic approach in the products you use on your clients will most definitely help in your long run goal of being the best and successful makeup artist you can be, after all caring for your clients skin and quality goes a long way.

Anti Aging elements in Botanical Makeup Remover from Health Enhancing Herbal Transdermal with the addition of proprietary 90 purified ocean elements also help with wonderful benefits.

They offer 4 version of there organic certified natural makeup remover to date. For Normal, Dry, Oily skin and for Heavy Makeup use. Who does not want to fight against the aging of their skin with anti aging ingredients in a product often used daily ?

"Besides being a powerful antioxidant, grapeseed oil reduces oxidative damage, the main cause of aging skin" -

So take part in the future of skincare and be apart of the Natural & Organic movement by choosing wisely what goes on your skin.

What Goes ON Your Skin Goes IN Your Body.


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