Inside Sports Sets Date For Red Carpet Premiere

Inside Sports: News You Can Almost Trust has completed taping of its first ever episode and has announced Thursday, September 23rd as the date for its "Invite Only" Red Carpet Premiere, taking place in Dallas, TX

Inside Sports: News You Can Almost Trust, the new 30 minute sports comedy talk show, (think "ESPN Meets The Daily Show) hosted by Danni Boatwright and produced by Mark McClure and Paula Wallem, has completed taping of the initial test pilot and has now gone to post production. Upon completion the producers will showcase the first ever episode via its Red Carpet Premiere Party to be held at Hooters West End Dallas, on Thursday, September 23rd. The 500 person, "Invite Only" event will take place from 7-11PM.
"The taping couldn't have gone any better. The crew, the talent, the writers....everything and everyone worked in synch perfectly. Danni was better than we expected if that was even possible and the product we turned out for our first ever show looks to be spot on. Since we shot the show in Dallas and our main sponsors for this first ever taping were mostly Texas based, we decided that Dallas would be the ideal city to host the Premiere and of course Hooters as the venue. They have been great to us, "McClure stated.
The initial episode will best test aired on VERSUS (68 million households) through an ad buy arrangement as well as The Oxygen Channel via Dish Network. The show will resume taping in early October and has been budgeted to produce three more episodes at which time the show will begin negotiating a long term "pick-up" arrangement with several networks that have expressed an interest in taking on Inside Sports as part of their programming schedule.

"There is no show like this on TV, none that are any good anyway, and we believe we have put together programming that will fill that niche and fill that niche for a very long time," McClure ended.
The proof will be in the pudding as the first ever episode is unveiled at the Red Carpet Premiere on September 23rd at Hooters West End, in Dallas Texas.