Chocokart.Com Plans To Change The Way People Buy Chocolates In India

Chocokart.Com Is A Venture By Chocolate Enthusiasts And Aims At Becoming The Largest Online Chocolate Store In India.

When was the last time you were looking for some unique chocolaty gifts and were disappointed to find nothing? Do you have any chocolate store nearby, where you can go and buy custom chocolate gifts for near and dear one's? if you are in India, the answers to these questions lead to disappointment.

However, this is about to change in April 2012, when goes online. ChocoKart will have hundreds of varieties of chocolates, homemade and branded, and they will come with a 48 hour shipping guarantee. Satisfaction derived out of chocolates is a function of the taste, packaging, aroma etc. and according to ChocoKart, they have tied up with some of the best manufacturers with proven track record to deliver high-quality chocolates. Chocolates will be available in various packaging options and will be fully customizable. The options offered will be for different occasions such as birthdays, valentines, festivals etc. What's even better is that the website promises to offer best possible prices and customizable gifts to its customers. The venture, envisioned by its founder Vicky Bahl, aims to change the way people look at chocolates.

"Chocolates are currently being sold as a kids candy, however, amazingly packed customized chocolates are available only during festivals. We will be shipping these chocolates, all the way from basic to luxury, all through the year to chocolate fans. There will be chocolates for every occasion, such as valentines, for every customer, such as diabetic, and for all tastes, from bitter to sweet. So it will change the way you look at consuming chocolates." says Bahl.

So this will be a different internet start-up focusing on a niche segment with seasonal demand. In an era of various companies focusing on multiple products, this can be termed as an experiment. Let's wait and watch as some exciting offers are planned during the scheduled launch.

