Bloggermoms Releases 'Top 10 Things to Do During Earth Hour'

Looking for things to do during 'Earth Hour' 2010? Bloggermoms today released a list of top 10 things to do during Earth Hour 2010. Includes kids activities and ways to respect the earth and reconnect with family.

Atlanta, Ga. Looking for things to do during Earth Hour? How about art in the dark or lights out versions of favorite games? Bloggermoms, an Atlanta based company that offers resources and advice for parenting in a multicultural environment, today released 'Top 10 things to do during Earth Hour'. The list includes kids' activities and ways to respect the earth and reconnect with family such as 'Art in the Dark' or 'Solving Earths Problems' or 'Pin the planet on the solar system'. The Bloggermoms Earth Hour list offers ideas to participate in a global event and have some serious fun.
The ideas and activities in the list of 'Top 10 things to do during Earth Hour' are along three themes - making the hour memorable and fun, doing something which is around reconnecting with the family or friends and doing something which honors planet earth. Once you think about it, staying in the dark for an hour on Saturday can be great fun. The key is getting the kids involved in planning a set of activities for the hour that will make it memorable and maybe even become a yearly tradition. The list of ideas is available here:
Earth Hour 2010 is on March 27th at 8:30 pm local time. As per the Earth Hour website, millions of businesses and people worldwide will switch of all non essential lighting for an hour to save some energy, honor our planet and also to send a message of conservation. The number of cities, buildings and individuals taking part in Earth Hour has been growing over the year.
Some of the ideas like playing old childhood games in the dark or having candle light dinners are nostalgic and take parents back to their own childhoods. In countries like India, growing up power cuts or 'load shedding' was common and Earth Hour can become a way of reliving the games and experience of those times. Some of the other ideas like putting out art supplies for the kids to paint or glue without light or camping in the living room are a lights out take on usual activities.
Honoring the earth means respecting its many cultures and diversity. So for ideas on multi cultural things that can be packed for your 'lunch box' or dinner box picnic in the dark or candlelight dinner look here
More resources on enjoying life and parenting at the intersection of multiple cultures can be found at