Why You Should Write Your Press Release Backwards and What That Means

Writing a press release can be a challenge. It’s one small document that has to accomplish a number of important goals. There is a structured format to adhere to. You want to grab attention, establish credibility and authority, and brand your business. It’s a tough job to be sure, and it’s a task in which many people fall short. One approach to consider is writing your press release backwards. Here’s how it works.

Your Call to Action

What’s the goal for your press release? What action do you want people to take immediately after they read your press release? Write down your goal and create a call to action based on that goal. For example, if you want people to buy a product then your call to action might say, “Visit LINK to learn more,” or “Take advantage of this special offer now.”


Once you have your call to action established, start organizing your proof. Why will people want to buy your product? What’s your proof? For example, what case studies or testimonials do you have to support a sale? What additional marketing material do you have that might sway your readers? This might be supporting case studies, video testimonials, or other supplemental information.


Look at the benefits of your announcement. If you’re hosting an event, how does it impact the lives of others? If you’re launching a new product or service, how does it change lives? List the benefits of your announcement and then align them with your proof. What benefit stands out the most? What will your audience have the strongest emotional response to? What taps into any current trends, controversies, or social media conversations?


What’s the news? How does your press release content change people’s lives? What is the most important and most compelling part of your information? This is often the most difficult part, and the reason why writing it backwards can help. If you have your goal identified and your proof organized, and a list of benefits, then identifying the news is usually easier. Choose one of the most compelling benefits and align it with your proof.

Pulling it All Together

Create a rough draft of your press release based on the information and steps listed. Organize your release based on your goals for it and the proof that you have, as well as your supplemental materials. Finally, align your benefits with your proof. Now is also the time to gather a few supporting quotes to brand your information and make it more compelling and interesting. Now there’s just one last step to take.

Headline and First Paragraph

Now that you have the rough draft completed, review your press release from the top down. Your headline and first paragraph need to summarize the information in the press release in a way that is both succinct and compelling.

Writing a press release can be difficult. Sometimes if you start at the end and work backwards, it’s easier to identify what’s important. Give it a try and see if this method works for you.

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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