When To Release A Press Release For An Event

If you’re planning to host an event, a press release can be an effective way to get the word out and increase attendance so the event will be successful. 

A well-crafted press release can pique media interest, create excitement, and attract more attention to your event.  

While important, the question remains, when is the best time to issue a press release for an event? 

Keep reading to find out.  

How far ahead should you send a press release? 

When it comes to press release distribution, especially for an event, timing is everything.  

Your promotion and distribution need to be strategically planned to build a buzz and create momentum leading up to the event. 

This requires striking a balance in sending the press release with enough time for readers to act but not too much time that they forget about it, or too little time, they can’t attend. 

You should send a press release about two weeks prior to the event.  

Once the initial press release is published, you can follow up with additional campaigns.  

Here’s a sample cadence: 

Second press release 

A second release can be issued about three days prior to the event.  

This press release will serve as a reminder that the event is taking place and the benefits of attending.  

Many people might not have seen the first press release, but this second campaign will give them enough time to add this event to their schedule.  

Third Press Release 

It’s not uncommon for a company to issue a third and final press release. 

This press release will be a follow-up campaign after the event.  

It should be a genuine news story about something that happened at the event.  

Your third and final event press release should include photos/videos from the event, quotes from attendees and event hosts, and key points covered during the festivities.  

In this campaign, you want to make people feel like they missed out, so they’re more apt to attend your event next year.  

What is the best day to send a press release? 

As is with any aspect of marketing, there are “best practices.” However, the answer to this question and what time should you send a press release? Are contingent on your brand’s data.  

To give you a baseline to work from, it’s said the best days to send a press release are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  

Avoid Mondays and Fridays as journalists are typically ramping up and winding down their weeks on these days. 

What time should you send a press release? 

As mentioned before, there’s no one-size-fits-all time to send a press release. However, as a rule of thumb to work from, you can begin sending your press releases anytime between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 

From there, look at your data and see what times work better for your news than others.  

3 ways to promote your event press release  

To maximize the reach and effectiveness of your press release, consider these three strategies: 

Website and Social Media 

Once your press release hits the wire, make sure to promote it on your website’s Media Room and social media channels.  

These are excellent promotional channels that give your campaigns extra legs to extend and expand the reach of your news.  

Media Pitches 

Media pitching is an effective step you should take when promoting your event and press release. At Newswire, our Media Pitching tool is part of our Media Suite, an all-in-one media outreach platform.  

To maximize your media pitches, first do your research and find relevant journalists who would be interested in your story.  

NOTE: Our Media Database, the most accurate on the market, is also included in our Media Suite!  

When writing your media pitch, be sure to highlight the newsworthiness of your event and align your news with the journalist’s interests.  

Doing so can help you build strong relationships with journalists and increase your odds of securing valuable earned media coverage.  


Don’t limit your campaigns to just a press release. Use the content to create other marketing materials such as a blog post, email campaign, or social media post, for example.  

Maria Marchewka is a Digital Marketing Strategist at Newswire. Maria is an experienced copywriter, social media marketer, content creator, strategist, and project manager. Her firm belief in being a practitioner and not a preacher of marketing concepts has put her in a position to help companies build brand awareness and connect with their target audiences online.

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