Tips To Keep Track Of Your Press Release Audience Information

With each press release you write and distribute there is data to collect. You may look at click-throughs, shares, conversions, views, geographic response and more. Each batch of data is important to your strategy because it helps you tweak your press release marketing approach for better results. The challenge with all of the data is to organize the results so that they’re easily accessed. There’s nothing more time consuming than having to routinely dig for supporting data. Let’s take a look at a few different ideas to keep track of your press release audience information.

A Starting Point

Who is your audience? Who are you marketing to and what are your beliefs about their online buying behavior? Make sure you have a well-researched and detailed description of your target audience and any presumed behaviors. You may use past data to help define your target audience. For example, if they primarily visited your website from organic search and keywords then you might include the supporting data. A starting point gives you a basis for comparison.

Monthly Reporting

Create a system where your monthly analytics data is gathered into a report and exported. Google Analytics provides this functionality, as do most other analytics programs. When you’re using a press release distribution service make sure that they provide reporting functionality as well. That information, when combined with your website analytics, will give you a full picture. Even better is a distribution service that integrates with Google Analytics.

Priority Information

As you review your analytics data you’ll likely explore the information linearly. You’ll look at isolated variables. For example, you may look at the number of Facebook shares that a press release received. You might also review the geographic data to identify where the majority of your press release views originate. The second approach to reviewing the data will be to look at relationships and to look for correlations. For example, what happens when you look at Facebook shares amongst specific geographic regions?

Organize your monthly analytics based on date, when the information was gathered, as well as priorities. If your press release marketing campaign is designed to grow your opt-in list then sign ups generated from your press release may be your most relevant data.


Consider creating a weekly or monthly summary of the data that identifies key relationships, correlations, and summaries of the information that affects your goals and press release marketing priorities. A paragraph summary can help you quickly access the information you need.

Finally, it’s important to note that a system of not only exporting the analytics and reports, but actually reviewing the material, is essential. As you look at your month’s content marketing and press release marketing plans, make sure you’re taking last month’s analytics into account.

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