Smart Tips To Stay In Touch With Your Media Contacts

Most media relations strategies focus on identifying media contacts and initiating the relationship. Because it can be a process that requires both time and patience, it often gets the most focus. But what do you do once you have that initial contact with a desirable media representative? How do you stay in touch with them, build on the relationship and leverage it so that you can take it to the next level?


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Stay Connected

Once you’ve pitched to a media representative, it’s important to follow up. However, follow-ups don’t necessarily lead to stories and media coverage. Even if you don’t get the coverage that you wanted, stay in touch with the media representative. Share relevant news and information. Send them FYI tidbits of news and information that are important to their readers. The news doesn’t have to be about you. Strive to create a reputation for being a valuable source of information. Follow them on social media and engage with them on their blog and media outlet.

Source Them in Your Own Content – Turn the Tables

You write articles, blog posts, reports, and social media content, right? Why not use your media contact as a source for your content? Interview them. They are able to bring fresh insight and information to your content. You might even invite them to speak at a webinar or to create an interview post with you. There are many ways to strengthen your relationship with media representatives; why not get creative and leverage their knowledge for your benefit?


Participate in online conversations and news information that’s not about you or your company. Become a source of credibility and authority in your industry. Comment on articles that your media representatives and contacts publish. You may be quoted as a source and you may also help drive traffic and business to your website.

Offer Exclusives

While you may not always want to take this approach, sometimes it can make good sense to offer a media contact an exclusive. Pay attention to their schedule, what they write about, and when they write it. If you can time your exclusive correctly, they may be eager to write about your news. Make sure to honor your exclusive.

Finally, take the time to be prepared and ready for any potential media requests. Do the work in advance. Anticipate supplemental materials and have them prepared. For example, you might make sure that you have photos and bios for all of the relevant staff on your team. A media contact may want this information if they’re going to run a story about your company. If they have to wait for the information, they may move onto another story. Be prepared.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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