Picture of a guy holding a smart phone looking at the internet. Image is being used for a Newswire blog post about the important of press release distribution in the age of social media.

Press Release Distribution Still Matters in the Age of Social Media 

Social media has undeniably transformed the marketing landscape, however, press release distribution remains a vital component in helping brands share their messages to the masses.  

In this blog, we talk about how press release distribution is important for companies to reach their goals and share tips on how to create a successful press release.  

Why press releases still matter in the age of social media  

It might feel like we’ve swapped traditional marketing strategies for social media. But, that’s not the full story.  

There are other modes of communication beyond social media marketing, like press release distribution, that help brands connect with their audience.  

While categorized as a “traditional” marketing strategy, press release distribution offers many benefits including:  

Online Visibility  

Press releases have adapted to the digital age and continue to help companies around the globe secure earned media coverage that enhances brand awareness.  

A newsworthy and well-written campaign has the potential to reach a broader audience that transcends the limitations of your social media followers.  


In addition to casting a wider net and improving online visibility, when your brand’s featured in reputable publications, it builds credibility and your audience’s trust in your company.  


When used properly, press releases can help you rise above the noise of the market and communicate your company’s news with your target audience and the media.  

Press Release Best Practices  

Maximizing the benefits starts with using the proper press release format.  

To capture journalist and target audience attention, consider the following best practices:  

Start with a strong Headline  

Your headline’s the first thing readers see. Make sure it’s attention-grabbing and accurately reflects the main message of your release. Keep it short and sweet – typically between eight and 10 words.  

Pay attention to the ideal length of a press release  

The ideal length of a press release is between 300 to 400 words.  

Address the most important details first  

Use the inverted pyramid to ensure you cover the most important details first including who, what, when, where, why, and how.  

Include quotes  

Your press release should include a quote from a top-level executive or topic matter expert in your company. The quote should build on the main topic of the campaign.  

By following these tips, you can create an effective press release that will help you achieve your business goals.  

Choosing the right distribution service  

There are plenty of press release distribution services on the market, so choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. 

But, it doesn’t have to. Here are some factors to consider when making your choice:  

Distribution Options

You don’t want to limit your reach because of their limited distribution options. At Newswire, we have 10 distribution channels to choose from. More options leads to more opportunities to share your news.  


In this economy, you want every dollar you spend to be worth it. Our press releases start at $349 and include:  

  • 500 words  
  • Featured image  
  • Up to six hyperlinks  
  • Detailed analytics  


When choosing a partner, you want to work with a company that’s credible and trustworthy. Pay attention to people’s feedback and look at the common complaints. 

Take those complaints into consideration when making your decision. We’re proud to have earned 4.4 out 5 stars in G2 and are proudly ranked #1 in press release distribution. 

If you’d like to learn more about our press release distribution services, fill out the form below!

Maria Marchewka is a Digital Marketing Strategist at Newswire. Maria is an experienced copywriter, social media marketer, content creator, strategist, and project manager. Her firm belief in being a practitioner and not a preacher of marketing concepts has put her in a position to help companies build brand awareness and connect with their target audiences online.

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