How to Write a Press Release Headline That Gets Results
Your headline has one objective; to motivate people to click on it and read the press release. That’s it. And yet, it’s an incredibly difficult job. Everyone is busy, journalists included. And there’s limited time and a short attention span. If the press release headline doesn’t immediately grab the reader’s attention then it’s not going to work. Yet a press release headline cannot be hype; it has to be newsworthy.
The first step when writing a headline for your press release is to identify the news. What’s important and why are you writing a press release? Just write it down on a piece of paper or position the news at the top of a blank document. You’re going to do some work with it. For example, a health supplement company may have a new product they’re launching that promotes liver health. Their news is the launch of their new product. However a headline that states, “ABC Company launching new liver health supplement” isn’t going to get much attention. On to the next step.
Make Sure It’s Relevant
Journalists want to write pieces that capture attention and readers. That means they’re looking for pieces that are relevant. A new liver supplement isn’t so relevant. However, new research on liver health is relevant, especially if the research is what has led to your new product. This is a great angle to take. Look for opportunities within the context of your news to make it relevant and important to your readers. What problem are you solving? What benefit does your news offer? Continuing with the example above, a potential headline might be: “New Research on Liver Health.”
Of course that’s not quite compelling enough to motivate a click. It’s now time to get creative and add some power to the headline
Add Credibility, Value, and Emotion, and Remember Who You’re Writing For
Your audience is comprised of journalists who don’t care for long winded headlines. Keep it short and to the point. Yet you also want to use words that capture attention and feel credible. For example, “New” and “Alert” and “Discovery” are all words that convey news and value.
For example, “Health Alert: Doctor Reveals How New Research Sheds Light On Liver Health.” That is actually a headline that appeared on iNewsWire last week. It was followed up with a sub-headline, which is the next step in your process. The sub-headline isn’t necessary, but it can help add clarity and transition the reader to the first paragraph.
You may find that it’s easier to write a good headline once you’ve written the actual press release. If you’re adding keywords to your headline, make sure they are integrated into it after you’ve finished the first or second draft. Your press release headline is the most important part of your press release. Give it the time and attention it deserves.