How to Write a Press Release Boilerplate [Template & Checklist Included]

Every press release campaign, no matter the topic, should follow the standard press release format.

This format includes:
  • Headline
  • Subheadline or summary
  • AP Style Dateline
  • First paragraph (use the inverted pyramid in this section to ensure you cover the most important details)
  • Supporting body text
  • Quotes
  • Multimedia
  • Call-to-action
  • Boilerplate
In this blog post, we’re exclusively covering the topic of boilerplates.
You’ll learn:
  • What a press release boilerplate is
  • What should be included in a boilerplate of a press release
  • How to put a boilerplate in a press release

What is a boilerplate in a press release?

A press release boilerplate provides a brief description of who you are as a company, what you do, and the mission of your business.

Think of a press release boilerplate as an elevator pitch that highlights the most important facts you want people to know about your business.

A boilerplate is usually standardized and serves to inform people about your business as fast as possible. It helps provide more context around your business, and can also be useful on your site, in email signatures, social media, and more.

A boilerplate is simple in nature; however, there are secrets to creating one that tells your audience and journalists who you are and why they should care.


What should be included in the boilerplate of a press release?

When it comes to writing effective boilerplate copy, there are a number of areas to focus on, including:

Who are you and what do you do?

State the name of your company and explain briefly what you do, and the types of products and services you offer.

Why do people need you?

What solutions does your company offer and why are your solutions as good, if not better, than those of your competitors?

What’s your mission?

Include your mission statement that declares why you’re in business and how you differ from similar companies.

Keep it short

Your boilerplate should be about 100 words.

Focus on your niche or industry

Use your main search engine optimization (SEO) keyword to help attract search engines to your releases.

Highlight awards and recognition

If you’ve won any awards or have any provable edges over your competition, mention them. 

Additional Tip: Make sure your boilerplate is always up-to-date so it reflects your company accurately. Mention new awards, product lines, and so on.

How do you put a boilerplate in a press release?

The boilerplate is located at the bottom of the press release. It’s placed after the main body text of the press release.

Press Release Boilerplate Template

Here’s a boilerplate template you can use to get started. Just fill in the blanks with your company’s information. 

NAME OF COMPANY is a TYPE OF BUSINESS that was founded in YEAR. We offer/sell/service clients who need X, Y, and Z. We specialize in A, B, and C. Our business mission is to X. Please contact us at URL to learn more about all we can offer.


Please feel free to contact us at EMAIL or PHONE or follow us on SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL, to learn more.

Contact us today to speak with one of our PR Strategists and learn more about how our team of Media and Marketing experts can help you craft SEO-focused press releases, informative boilerplate copy, and more.

Maria Marchewka is a Digital Marketing Strategist at Newswire. Maria is an experienced copywriter, social media marketer, content creator, strategist, and project manager. Her firm belief in being a practitioner and not a preacher of marketing concepts has put her in a position to help companies build brand awareness and connect with their target audiences online.

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